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My Man Rant ...

I love him to pieces and I think he's the most wonderful guy who walks on this planet - I do! I am a lucky girl...

That said...

I end up getting mad at him at meal time (NOT FOR THE REASON YOU ALL FIRST THINK!) and here is why...

We discussed eating healthier. We both agreed that it was a good idea. soooooo

I made dinner on Sunday night - I ran the ingredients by him to make sure he liked everything in it - and he did. So dinner was made - it was a type of rice, black beans, onion, some spices, etc. This meal was healthy, low fat and full of fiber and protein from the beans.

R tried a few bites, kinda played with it for awhile, then set it down for a while, then I glared at him so he immediately picked it back up and took some big bites, then set it down again so I said "Let me guess, you don't like it" He said the standard "No, it's good!" But I know that was in an effort to not get smacked... :0)

So I tried an experiment which I knew was true already, I made him potatoes wedges with bacos, cheddar and Velveeta cheese last night. You would have thought the boy hadn't ever eaten! I was beyond frustrated at this point. I knew he knew I wasn't happy so I just said "Ya know, I only get so pissed because I don't want you to die at 35 from a heart attack from your current eating habits." He said he knew that and that he couldn't help what his taste buds like.

I disagree.

For example, I know my taste buds ADORED swiss cake rolls, and now when I eat grapes they taste just as sweet as those would. Granted the chocolate would be a lot tastier, but I have learned to accept grapes because they are better for me overall.

I get really frustrated with him on this. It happens a lot. For example, a lot of times when we go out he gets the worst thing on the menu - cheese fries with bacon, fried anything, etc. Seriously? That's a heart attack on a plate right there!!!

I am trying to cook healthier for both of us and when I do, he almost always seems to attempt to suffer through it. It's kinda sad actually... I know I can't control anyone else - especially eating you all like to tell me - hehe - but it's hard to stand by and watch him eat crap food all the time...

I always make sure he likes the ingredients first, but maybe he doesn't like the combo, or maybe it's boring to his taste buds who are used to tons of processed sugar and fat?

I dunno. Any ideas???

posted on Feb 26, 2008 8:33 AM ()


Sweetie, I know exactly where your coming from...My hubby has had open heart surgery. I go grocery shopping trying to cook healthy meals...and what does he do. He goes and eats a bologna sandwich, or goes to the store himself and buys all sorts of snack foods. I finally gave up....I mean he's a grown man...I'm not his mother. So I cook and if he doesn't eat it or like it then he will feed himself... That saves a lot of fighting and arguing about everything. I love him...but I'm not his mother and I can't make him be healthy. Good luck hun I wish I had the answer for you but I don't.
comment by elfie33 on Feb 28, 2008 6:39 AM ()
I am in the same situation. I try to just serve the healthy stuff as a side and sneak it in. The man has started requesting more of it so I think it is sinking in, but as I speak the family is eating KFC and chili cheese fries so it is easier said than done. I am eating none of it. The heart burn would kill me.
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Feb 26, 2008 8:19 PM ()
"potato wedges with bacos, cheddar and Velvetta cheese" (bugg head back, drooling Homer Simpson style) A friend of mine is fond of health food. Rice cakes especially. I personally think they taste like styrofoam. So one day she pulled out these cinamon flavored rice cakes."Here try one. They're good." she insisted, jabbing it under my nose. I took it and tried a bite. It tasted like cinamon flavored styrofoam. I try to get more healthy stuff into my diet but I'm and old southern girl and giving up the chicken fried everything is not easy. I pro'ly should try harder, though.

yer they're gonna chisel my headstone out of cholesterol pal
comment by honeybugg on Feb 26, 2008 7:24 PM ()
Change has never been easy...but there's some great stuff out there that taste good and is good for you! All you have to do is find that stuff?
Best of luck Kristy
comment by strider333 on Feb 26, 2008 5:30 PM ()
Unfortunately I can't add to this discussion cuz I eat the same way as R... After going hardcore Low carb for almost 2 years and then completely reverting back to horrible eating habits, it's SOOOO difficult to eat better. I firmly and wholeheartedly believe that the sugar and bad carbs in food is what keeps a person coming back.
comment by mrsstu on Feb 26, 2008 2:45 PM ()
He sounds like a smoker who knows he really should quite but isn't quite ready to. Keep cooking healthy for him and maybe he will eventually start to enjoy it. I had to make a lot of changes to my diet due to impending health problems. It took a while but now I'm enjoying my meals. I think my taste buds have adapted to less salt, sugar and fat.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 26, 2008 12:22 PM ()
I'm not saying that you told him to stop eating crap that's bad for him, and I understand your frustration when you talk to him first and explain what you're planning to cook, have him agree to it, and then have him not want to eat it.
What I'm saying, as a male, is that, sometimes we get afraid that we will NEVER be able to eat the good-tasting bad stuff again! (And we also know that a steady of the bad stuff will kill us! Just like you know smoking is doing your insides a lot of harm.) I think it's the "forever" that scares the #### out of us. That's why, in Alcoholics Anonymous, they don't talk about staying away from booze forever; they talk about doing it only "one day at a time."
So, maybe if you "suggest" that the two of you eat healthy EVERY OTHER DAY, that may give you both what you want. You want him around a real long time because you love him, and he wants to eat crap and be around for a real long time. Right?
Just a thought.
comment by hayduke on Feb 26, 2008 12:06 PM ()
I get where you are coming from! just imagine having a little boy who has no problem telling you something is awful! you have some good suggestions here. I am the grocery shopper and cook so pretty much hubby and kota have to eat what i fix.
comment by elkhound on Feb 26, 2008 11:59 AM ()
You know something? I love my doctor. I really do. She is sweet, smart, and very, very practical. She would NEVER think of telling me to KNOCK OFF everything that I love to eat because it is bad for me. I have a heart condition for which I take daily medication, and I just recently discovered that I am a borderline diabetic. (Diabetes killed my grandfather, and it was a contributing factor to my father's fatal heart attack.)
Trust me, nobody wants to live as much I do. That's why I quit smoking so long ago. But knocking off all sweets, carbs and fats...well, I just didn't think I could do it.
Dr. Kristin told me that I didn't have to knock them off COMPLETELY, just CUT BACK on them. I could have a couple of meatless meals a week. Eat more veggies. Drink only two beers on the average day. Avoid fruits and fruit juices. (REALLY!) Exercise more. And then, one or two days a week, eat like I normally would. (That way, I always have something to look forward to.)
SOOOoooOOO, the psychological shock of NEVER EATING a brownie or a cookie or a french fry again is gone! Because I DO eat those things! Just not as often!
And I exercise every day, cardio and weight training. (I run three miles five days a week, and I do sit-ups and push-ups every day, and I use the Bowflex in my basement four days a week.) In six weeks, I've lost sixteen pounds and four inches off my waist. Most importantly, my medical numbers, (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides), have all fallen back to the normal range.
Dr. Kristin is a smart woman, a great doctor and a wonderful friend. She loves me, and she wants me around as long as possible. She knew that if she told me that I had to give up all of those comfort foods cold turkey, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
The key is diet alteration, eating moderation, and exercise.
Maybe R would be more receptive to this way of thinking.
It works for me.
(Sorry this comment is so damend long!)
comment by hayduke on Feb 26, 2008 11:38 AM ()
You are absolutely right! I don't eat sweets any more! Haven't for a long time (except for the occasional piece of dark chocolate...again healthy) You can train your tastebuds to love anything. I adore strawberries. They are like candy to me. I can't stand cake icing or anything too sweet. I love brown rice. I love all healthy foods. I used to eat a lot of bad stuff, but I've trained myself to love the healthier choices. It takes a while, but if he sticks with it, he'll come around.
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 26, 2008 10:57 AM ()
Oh! Have you tried making his potato with reduced fat cheese and morning star tofu bacon? Maybe just making small changes to the foods he likes will be a good place to start!
comment by sexysadie on Feb 26, 2008 10:45 AM ()
Hmmm... tough one. On Food Network there's a weekend show titled Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger and she has some fantastic ideas on making everyday meals in a healthier style. You can cruise the Food Network site for her recipes. Good Luck!
comment by sexysadie on Feb 26, 2008 10:41 AM ()
I've been battling this same situation with my husband for nearly 25 years. He eats like a 10 year old. It's a real mess when we go grocery shopping together. I shop the perimeter of the store--vegs, meat, and dairy--while he's darting in the aisles grabbing kettle chips and Debbie cakes.
comment by beabea on Feb 26, 2008 9:30 AM ()
well,no idea on this.Keep working on it,but do not harp too much
Let him sort things out.This will take time.When was the last
time a visit to the doctor on his blood work there.
I do like your menu a lot.Similar too mine.
When I had my open heart surgery,my whole attidtude on eating
Has change a lot.Sure,have some sweets now and then.
Think you have to change your way to him a little different.
Maybe,talk to him.I will think t hat cut out his favorite slowly
but do not deprived him too much.
Well,this is me,I know that you will sort things out.
Good luck.
comment by fredo on Feb 26, 2008 9:28 AM ()
I'm in the same situation as you. I wish I could help, but I don't know what to do either.
comment by gtasahomo on Feb 26, 2008 9:16 AM ()

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