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Life & Events > God Bless Kraymerica ... and Something for Randy

God Bless Kraymerica ... and Something for Randy

Putting Randy and God in the same sentence... hmmmm

Anywho! KRAYMER!!! He's FINE! I am so happy... Turns out there were some cancerous cells in the biopsy, but that the cause of the mass was benign which is GREAT news. We didn't have to take off as much of the ear as we did, but as the vet said, better to be safe than sorry... sooooo I am happy. Here's my little man, aka the Kraymer flower. hehe

And now for Randy... I said I'd try to get some tomato plants to grow, so I will show them from start til finish (hopefully not death) sooo here's the pot, one plant was started for me, then I planted some seeds as well.

And here's a close up with the little buds popping up.

Wish me luck! I am especially skilled at killing plants, so I do need some luck sent my way... :0)

Happy Wednesday peeps!!!

posted on June 22, 2011 1:49 PM ()


Sorry to be late reading this. But so happy to hear that your Kraymer-head is okie dokie!
I will think about blogging. I'm barely inspired to post photos on FB. Haha. It's been so long, I guess I'm a little rusty at it.
comment by sexysadie on July 3, 2011 11:51 AM ()
I am so glad Kraymer is getting better. He is such a sweetheart; don't tell him but he looks like a petunia with his collar.
comment by gapeach on June 26, 2011 6:58 AM ()
Sorry I didn't get around to reading/commenting on your post. Love your sense of humor (me and god)! Congrats on your new "baby". What kind of tomato is it? Boy or girl?
comment by solitaire on June 26, 2011 5:27 AM ()
Good news about the Kramer guy. Sure that's a load off your mind. Luck with the tomato plants.
comment by redimpala on June 25, 2011 3:40 PM ()
Kraymer looks great, like a morning glory. Bless his heart, I know you are relieved that he is getting better.
comment by troutbend on June 23, 2011 2:27 PM ()
It is a great little blue dog flower. Does he hate it? Rex did.
It is so hot that my three little tomato plants won't make little
tomatoes. I have two zucchinni babies though ,
comment by elderjane on June 23, 2011 5:55 AM ()
Congrats on something growing! I will be happy if I get some tomatoes. Kraymer doesn't mind the collar, but it's a soft ecollar which makes a big difference I think!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 23, 2011 12:44 PM ()
glad for the good news about Kraymer. He looks like a big, blue daisy. veerah cute. tomahto plant is looking good too.

yer I love tomahtoes pal
comment by honeybugg on June 22, 2011 3:46 PM ()
I love tomatoes as well - I hope they grow!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 23, 2011 12:45 PM ()
Put a cage around it so it won't fall over. Tomatoes do that. I suggest using a stick or small pole and using loose twist ties to keep it attached to the stick.
comment by jondude on June 22, 2011 2:54 PM ()
Thanks Jon!!! I will try to find a stick!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 23, 2011 12:45 PM ()
The kraymer flower... That must suck, but at least he's heading in the right direction. Tomato plants from seed.. you have more guts than I have! We bought them 6/$1.50 and planted them outside right away. They are doing fine... looks like yours is big enough to survive too! Good luck!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 22, 2011 2:09 PM ()
Yes, the one should be ok... we'll see about the rest??? I think I messed up tho because I put a bunch of seeds in the pot, and a lot of them are coming up! I figured only a couple would make it...
reply by kristilyn3 on June 23, 2011 12:47 PM ()
first,very happy to hear about this and I knew or know that he would come out with flying color as I went through this with Buffy.So happy for you.S
Secondly the tomato plant well not sure.You could have gotten some patio tomato then go through all this unless you want the challente.
Good luck and the plant should be named after Kryamer.
comment by fredo on June 22, 2011 2:06 PM ()
Good idea... the Kraymer tomato plant!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 23, 2011 12:48 PM ()

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