Anywho! KRAYMER!!! He's FINE! I am so happy... Turns out there were some cancerous cells in the biopsy, but that the cause of the mass was benign which is GREAT news. We didn't have to take off as much of the ear as we did, but as the vet said, better to be safe than sorry... sooooo I am happy. Here's my little man, aka the Kraymer flower. hehe

And now for Randy... I said I'd try to get some tomato plants to grow, so I will show them from start til finish (hopefully not death) sooo here's the pot, one plant was started for me, then I planted some seeds as well.

And here's a close up with the little buds popping up.

Wish me luck! I am especially skilled at killing plants, so I do need some luck sent my way... :0)
Happy Wednesday peeps!!!
I will think about blogging. I'm barely inspired to post photos on FB. Haha. It's been so long, I guess I'm a little rusty at it.