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Education > Thank You Talk Show Hosts! :0)

Thank You Talk Show Hosts! :0)

I am fascinated with day time talk shows lately and how much they are bringing to light the farm animal atrocities that happen every second of every day.

Ellen recently had PCRM's head honcho talking about ways to eat more healthily - he's totally vegan though so I am sure he turned some people off. Then Ellen had Wayne Pacelle, the CEO of the Humane Society on a few weeks ago talking about the same type of things. I LOVE IT!

I recorded Oprah yesterday because she was talking about "Where food comes from" - I thought this was the best show out of the 3 though because she opened with a dude who wrote a column for the NY Times saying that he eats meat and loves it but he also respects where meat comes from having grown up on a farm. He stated that he only supported companies that treated animals humanely. I think this is the best offense in trying to get people to change, because once someone comes across as a veg head people tend to tune them out, ya know? I know you all know... people think vegetarians want the world to be vegetarian, and while that might be true for some, well - let's just say that Oprah did the show VERY well.

Oprah had the crates shown that Prop 2 (legislation that would phase out gestation crates for pigs and battery cages for hens and crates for veal calves) is going after in CA. They showed the tiny confinement quarters pigs, veal calves and chickens spend their life in. These crates are so tiny that the animals can not stretch or turn around EVER in their lives. She had regular (factory) farmers on along with organic farmers. It was very interesting to hear the factory farmers justifying their trade - saying if they let pigs and chickens have space to turn around or spread their wings they would lose money. It's all about the almighty dollar peeps. Wayne Pacelle was also on this show and did a wonderful job of disputing the factory farmers CRAP. The organic farmers also did a wonderful job of disputing it because they were PROOF that farms that let animals have some natural freedoms can and do thrive.

The people against Prop 2 were talking about how it would drive them out of business and how imports were going to take over because people want cheap products. While I do believe this will happen to some extent for a short time, I also see the greater good in that this legislation will go on to other states meaning the possibility for US HUMANE FARMING, like they already are doing in Europe, which I really do think we could all agree on... well, most of us anyways. People just don't realize what they are supporting.

I remember when the Humane Society jumped on this Farm Animal Humane Treatment train. I was soooo excited! You didn't hear much about it before - I knew about it but people in general had no idea that Old McDonald's farm was no longer even remotely close to the norm for food supplies.

I am all for educating the public on this matter. If you know the dealio and still choose to buy meat and eggs from such atrocious places, that's your moral choice... At least you know there are other choices out there...

Also noted was the price of "organic" meat and cage free eggs (calling meat organic still floors me, to me organic means natural, from the earth) and how some people can't afford them. It was noted that once consumer demand goes up, there will be more competition, and prices will go down.

Ah, DARE TO DREAM! I thank Oprah and Ellen for taking the time in their shows to try to educate the public on such IMPORTANT matters!

posted on Oct 15, 2008 7:18 AM ()


factory farming is DEPLORABLE! No living being should ever be subject to such neglect, disrespect, and mistreatment. I went vegan because of factory farming over 14 years ago. A year later, I started eating cheese and eggs again, and about 4 years ago, I started to eat fish again. I'll NEVER eat meat again. Survival is one thing, being a pig-headed ugly glutton is another.
comment by whereabouts on Oct 20, 2008 6:49 PM ()
I get my eggs from a local farmer who does his free-range and fed organic feed. The price is comparable to regular store bought, but the main difference is the organic ones are about double the size of the stores extra-large eggs and taste so much better. Still looking for the local meat market to come down on prices for chicken and pork tho... we don't eat much red meat.
comment by jwrone on Oct 18, 2008 9:40 AM ()
It is so sad and so hard to think about what people will subject animals to for money.
comment by elderjane on Oct 18, 2008 7:52 AM ()
It's appalling that the use these cages so those animals don't get any muscle and the meat is's so bizarre to me to treat animals incredibly inhumane knowing you get em to kill them...I'd like to be a vegetarian really, it's so hard to de-program though...
comment by strider333 on Oct 16, 2008 5:44 PM ()
I turned cage-free and organic non caged chicken a long time ago just because of you!
comment by teacherwoman on Oct 16, 2008 4:36 PM ()
I heard about Oprah's show... I think it's great when the general public gets an eyeful of what is really going on out there with their meat. Ignorance is bliss. If a show like that can change the opinion of just a few people who'll start shopping more carefully, then it makes the world a better (and more humane) place!
comment by mellowdee on Oct 16, 2008 12:48 PM ()
I am a meet eater, yes I am a carnivore. But that doesn’t mean I believe in the mistreatment of what I am planning to put on the BBQ. Animals that are raised on a farm instead of a factory taste better and are better for you.
comment by grumpy on Oct 16, 2008 7:31 AM ()
Where would I go to find a good veggie diet?
comment by angiedw on Oct 16, 2008 7:08 AM ()
I just did a post on Blogster titled "You May Never Want To Eat KFC again. You might want to check it out, since it is on the subject of the inhuman egg and chicken farms.
comment by redimpala on Oct 15, 2008 4:01 PM ()
Kristy.. I told you once before (but I bet you forgot - been long time). Anyway, there is this woman named "Temple Gradian" (She is Autistic) who wrote this book (I don't know the name of it, and may have spelling on her name wong). The book is basically about making "more humane" ways of slaughter and treatment on animals. Myself, I am a meat eater.. always have, and will be. But I have also been to, and been around many slaughter houses. It sickens me what I've seen. The "treatment" of animals. Check that book out.. if you can... Gary
comment by coincutter on Oct 15, 2008 12:52 PM ()
Thom has me buying more organic foods. I have to agree that I feel better when I eat organic eggs... not just for my health but for the chicken's health.
comment by sexysadie on Oct 15, 2008 12:05 PM ()
Yes,that was an excellent show on Oprah.I did miss the Ellen
comment by fredo on Oct 15, 2008 10:37 AM ()
Like everything they see a way to capitalize on the situation which is what is truly sad!
comment by spicybitch on Oct 15, 2008 10:24 AM ()
I love and respect Oprah so much. I wish I would have seen the show!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Oct 15, 2008 8:30 AM ()
I would hope that if people are educated about how animals are treated, then they would make different choices about how their "food" is raised, but tough economic times make people think about the bottom line

I didn't see the shows, but it's good that they showed the cages so people can see what is used.
comment by stiva on Oct 15, 2008 8:16 AM ()

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