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Country Life


So it's not yet really spring (by feel) so I can safely say that at this moment I am liking country living (pre warm up with BUGS). I say country living but our 7 acres is surrounded by large highways. It's odd, but it's also Northern VA so, it is what it is.

The other day I went to walk a friends dog for her and while driving home I passed some horses. One of the horses was on it's back which made me brake (Yes, I made sure no one was behind me first!) to watch more carefully. The horse was acting like a playful pup! I hadn't seen that before so I really enjoyed the show. After rolling the horse got up and started playing and galloping with his or her horse friend. It made me smile!

When I got home and let my own pups out I watched some cows out back in the pasture... one of the little ones was frolicking in distance having a grand ole time! It also made me smile. I often wonder what the "purpose" of the cows out back are, but I am afraid to know because it would break my heart. I am happy that at the time being they are out in the pasture and living life as they should. I cringe for the day those little calves learn the cruelty of the greedy human world.

Whoah, didn't mean for this to get depressing, but welcome to my mind!

Soooo today I was at the sink rinsing out my grapefruit bowl and saw a red headed bird climbing up the tree. COOL! I saw a woodpecker and it wasn't too far away! I didn't have my phone on me though so no picture. I went to get the phone and of course by the time I returned, little Woody was long gone. I have to praise Laura on all the fantastic shots she gets! I am not so skilled. :-)

Ok, now for a couple pics.

Here is one that made me laugh solely due to the little peeps in front of the black pup. It also has a good message though, for those who weren't sure about lilies.


And here is a pic of Kraymer in our yard with some cows behind him.


He likes to bark at them and sometimes they moo back.

Happy Friday peeps! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend ahead!

posted on Mar 29, 2013 10:04 AM ()


Loved your post..made me
The photos were great! I'm a bit jealous that you live in the country, with horses in your backyard.
comment by jaydensblog on Apr 4, 2013 3:28 PM ()
Well read the next post, you won't be so jealous.
reply by kristilyn3 on Apr 5, 2013 8:53 AM ()
I am intensely sensitive to bugs and I attract them so I wear that personal
off. Ted never gets a bite. It isn't fair!!! I love to watch horses play.
The little ones stand up on their hand legs and it looks like they are
comment by elderjane on Mar 30, 2013 2:24 PM ()
I was in awe because I really didn't know horses did that. I guess I thought they were too big? CUTE though! I am with you, I get bit up terribly when the bugs are out. Bleh.
reply by kristilyn3 on Apr 5, 2013 8:52 AM ()
I love when I see a horse rolling around like that! country living is pretty nice, glad you are liking it. and I was just reading about what plants are dangerous to cats, lilies were at the top of the list. guess it's a good thing I can only grow one plant. I don't even know what it's called. it never blooms, it's a trailing viney thing. I do have aloe plants which are also dangerous but they are up high in my kitchen.
comment by elkhound on Mar 30, 2013 7:34 AM ()
I can't keep a plant alive either... I have a viney plant as well that has shockingly survived my years of torment and abuse!
reply by kristilyn3 on Apr 5, 2013 8:52 AM ()
See--I always told you country living is the best. I even entered my name into the "Farmers only" dating site last week (so far, no responses). My animal "thrill" is the bluebirds I have. One last thing while I'm here regarding "to baptize or not": If it will give you peace of mind, go ahead. It's called hedging your bets--a "just in case" form of security. Also, all your family will be happy, since more than likely, they're religious. But in the end, it's your choice. Happy country living!
comment by solitaire on Mar 30, 2013 5:36 AM ()
That's a good point, hedging our bets. I think that is why we are inclined to baptize her... Smart man. And YAY dating opportunities that await you!!!
reply by kristilyn3 on Apr 5, 2013 8:51 AM ()
It's so much fun to see one of those red-headed woodpeckers, or even just hear them working on a tree. I don't think they would start drilling holes in your house, but flickers, which are in that family, would. One thing they do that's harmless is peck on metal gutters and roof vents as part of their courtship.
comment by troutbend on Mar 29, 2013 7:57 PM ()
Hmm that's interesting. I wouldn't know what they look like even if they were nearby
reply by kristilyn3 on Apr 5, 2013 8:50 AM ()
Love the doggy sunglasses.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 29, 2013 12:08 PM ()
cute right?
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 29, 2013 12:54 PM ()
I can't imagine living anywhere but in the country even tho I grew up with blacktop and concrete. A bug or two (or three) is a fair trade IMO.
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 29, 2013 11:21 AM ()
That's a good way to look at it I suppose...
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 29, 2013 12:55 PM ()
Interesting.Country living is the best.
comment by fredo on Mar 29, 2013 11:19 AM ()
Yeah, I am liking it. Til the bugs arrive.
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 29, 2013 12:56 PM ()
Love the photos!!
comment by steeve on Mar 29, 2013 10:39 AM ()
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 29, 2013 12:56 PM ()

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