So it's not yet really spring (by feel) so I can safely say that at this moment I am liking country living (pre warm up with BUGS). I say country living but our 7 acres is surrounded by large highways. It's odd, but it's also Northern VA so, it is what it is.
The other day I went to walk a friends dog for her and while driving home I passed some horses. One of the horses was on it's back which made me brake (Yes, I made sure no one was behind me first!) to watch more carefully. The horse was acting like a playful pup! I hadn't seen that before so I really enjoyed the show. After rolling the horse got up and started playing and galloping with his or her horse friend. It made me smile!
When I got home and let my own pups out I watched some cows out back in the pasture... one of the little ones was frolicking in distance having a grand ole time! It also made me smile. I often wonder what the "purpose" of the cows out back are, but I am afraid to know because it would break my heart. I am happy that at the time being they are out in the pasture and living life as they should. I cringe for the day those little calves learn the cruelty of the greedy human world.
Whoah, didn't mean for this to get depressing, but welcome to my mind!
Soooo today I was at the sink rinsing out my grapefruit bowl and saw a red headed bird climbing up the tree. COOL! I saw a woodpecker and it wasn't too far away! I didn't have my phone on me though so no picture. I went to get the phone and of course by the time I returned, little Woody was long gone. I have to praise Laura on all the fantastic shots she gets! I am not so skilled. :-)
Ok, now for a couple pics.
Here is one that made me laugh solely due to the little peeps in front of the black pup. It also has a good message though, for those who weren't sure about lilies.

And here is a pic of Kraymer in our yard with some cows behind him.

He likes to bark at them and sometimes they moo back.
Happy Friday peeps! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend ahead!
The photos were great! I'm a bit jealous that you live in the country, with horses in your backyard.