We went to a wedding in Charleston SC last weekend. I never ever want to return to that place. Ever.
We arrived on time and all seemed well. We went to get a cab, but we couldn't get one to go to separate places (we were with friends who were staying at a diff hotel) so we had to wait 20 minutes for a shuttle. It was annoying because it was SO HOT. Anyways, when we got to the hotel we were told our room wasn't ready. Awesome. We hung out and played some checkers which was fun, but even after two games (we each won one) the room wasn't ready. We just wanted to get our stuff settled so we could go out and meet the rest of the crew. Finally the room was ready so we settled in...
We met up with lots of friends and had a GREAT time. We even stayed downtown a little late at a friends hotel and called a cab at around 4am. I ended up leaving my cell phone in said cab. This is where my nightmare began...
When we woke up the next morning I realized I didn't have my $600 cell phone. I used the GPS on my phone to locate it, which was pretty cool. A friend came and picked us up to take us to the phone... we ended up in the GHETTO at an apartment complex. We were not about to go walking around knocking door to door in that neighborhood, so we spotted the cab and took down all the info. Long story short we ended up getting my phone back about 24 hours later after about 12 calls to the cab company. The dude did a jail break on it and installed an app that was for hackers. EEK! So I had to restore my phone to factory settings etc. etc. etc. Not fun, but my persistence paid off, I got my phone back. Had I not had GPS locator installed on my phone I am certain the cabbie would have kept it even though we had the screen display with R's number and said to please call.
So, the wedding on Saturday...
The outdoor tent wedding was to start at 6pm. There were shuttles that were taking us from hotels to the wedding... the first shuttle didn't have room for all of us so we hung back and waited for them to return... we ended up getting to the wedding at 6:10, buuuuuut the monsoon arrived at around 5:55. We were late, but missed nothing, so that was good. We all chatted while we watched the water encroach on us... soon all the guests retreated to the dance floor since it was a little higher... then it slowly came up onto the dance floor - it was oddly scary! Then the DJ told us all we had to move STAT or we'd be electrocuted. Awesome. So, we had to run about a 1/4 mile up to a nearby house on the property... needless to say, all the guests were soaked. It is a wedding that will not soon be forgotten. Luckily in the end the bride pulled herself together (POOR DEAR!!!!) and the wedding went on in the house. It was fun.
Then the next day....
R went swimming in the ocean and lost his glasses. SERIOUSLY????? Seriously. The man is legally blind without them... A lot of people who went swimming got stung by jellyfish. I am very glad I forgot to bring my suit!
Needless to say, I was VERY happy to come back home. We did have a lot of fun with a lot of friends aside from all the bad things that happened but man o man. I have absolutely no desire to return to Charleston SC!!!