I woke up this morning a wee bit hungover... we all had a BLAST last night, lots of fun indeed! I love hangin out with Dr. W, he's a lot of fun...
This morning I woke up, walked the babies and fed them and was going to change the bubba's wrap. I noticed a very blood soaked gauze pad sticking out of the wrap and was like oh crap! This time there were stiches hanging out with an open hole. GEEBUS!
Dr. W was awake so I had him look at it, he said I should take him to the vet. Soooo off we went to the emergency vet...
They looked at him and said yup, he needs staples. Apparently they don't do sutures there, they just use staples. They took the bubba to the back and took care of him. He's in good spirits today the champ!
I got to talk to my friend though who I used to work with, so that was nice. It's always nice to be greeted by someone ya know! She sat with me in the room for awhile and brought both Kraymer and I water...
Soooo $139 later Kraymer should be ok. I trust the place I took him to this time and I think it will be the end of the bleeding. I also think I will call the reg vet on Monday to ask for reimbursement... it's not like Kraymer scratched the sutures out, it was covered the whole time.
It's been an interesting morning!