Need I say more?
Kraymer is his happy little self again these days. I missed him for awhile there! The reg vet called - they got the report about the visit to the emergency vet... I realized late last night that in the discharges it says Kramyer presented for pulling out his stiches. Why did my brain not kick in and correct it? Sometimes I really wonder about me... Anyways, when the Reg vet called she reiterated about him pulling out his sutures. Maybe he did, what do I know. They were covered the whole time though so that's what baffles me...
tonight is the book signing. I am actually super tired and debating skipping it, but I don't want to miss this opportunity either, ya know? I will go... R is coming with me so it should be fun! I wish the cloudiness and rain would subside though...
This morning I went to heat up Kraymers warm compress washcloth in the microwave and it just died. No idea what happened. R went to flip the fuse thinger but it wasn't flipped. We tried different outlouts - no avail. The microwave I bought a year and a half ago has left us... it really sucks cuz R is going away for business tomorrow so we won't be able to get his from the barn til Friday at the earliest...
Well I hope you all have the best Monday you possibly can.