Good Tuesday Morn, MyBloggerstown:
    Well, everyone made it to Cow Snot fine. No problems save the childred being restless, bored and bratty which is normal. Jethrene reports that the childred are getting on famously with their little cousins (sister Lulu Belle's  5 year old son Damien and 4 year old daughter Wednesday) and that they both took to their daddy like ducks to a pond. There was some concern that Jethro might have a problem getting used to a man in his life after being around all girls for the past two years or so. And he was so little when Shitstick was pinched, we figured he wouldn't remember him. Well, he had no problems and he and Daddy are fast pals now. Ditto Daisy May, who was always Daddy's girl. She was really happy to see Daddy, Jethrene sez. The only trouble spot seems to be Brody/Buddy. He's having trouble adjusting. The poor an alien place surronded by strangers who are spending time with his beloved family. Jethrene sez he's been snarling and snapping....something he's never done before, and he's not really getting on too well with Daddy.  Everyone is hopping that with a litte patience and discipline, this will be corrected.Â
    Now comes the clean up here. Jethrene left in such a hurry that her house is a shambles. I went over there yesterday to survey the damage. What a wreck. It looked like Katrina had blown through. As I looked around though, I saw toys, little clothing and stuff that belonged to the kids and was suddenly overcome. I kept waiting for Daisy and Jethro to come pounding out of their rooms to greet me but alas they didn't. The whole place was eerily quiet. Save for my own weeping.  Well, I guess I'll have a project now to occupy my empty hours. Jethrene sez she's gonna get other furniture etc. there so we have been charged with selling whatever she left behind here and sending her the proceeds. Jolly. The girl needs to get her head out of her ass and take responsibility for her own stuff and stop leaving issues for others to deal with. But from what I unnerstand, this is typical of those of her generation. I shutter at the thought of what is ahead for our world if these people are what we have to hand it over to.
    Well, as my old friend Tony Soprano always sez, whadaya gonn' do? I think I will go turn on CNN and have some toaster waffles. The blueberry kind.
yer good thing I'm not driving pal