Good Evening MyBloggerstown:
Well, we made a start on Jethrene's mess. The living room is reasonably sanitary once again and we are gonna start on the kitchen on Monday. Between the three of us (me, Crazy Sis, and Mama) we should be done with the whole cleaning part by the end of the week. I swear, I thought I was a pack rat. Jethrene's crap has its own crap. I did find that paper hole punch I "loaned" her three years ago, which was a pleasant surprise. I think all of us were trying not to dwell on the fact that the babies were gone.
Mrs. Inconciderate Asshole is making progress on moving. I do hope Cletus and Maybelleen get a good tennent up there this time. Someone who has some concept of what it is to be conciderate of others. The current occupant is 'asposed to be out by the end of the month, according to Maybelleen. We shall see.
I got ambitious today and changed my bedroom around slightly. This apartment is quite small and there's really not a whole lot of room for experimentation but I moved the bed over by the window so when and if there is a breeze, I can catch it. And its easier to sweep around and change the linen when its in this position. And anything that can make household chores easier is just allright with me.
Other than that, not a whole lot happening here in the teeming metropolis. Hot, humid, but not unbearably so over the last few days. Summertime in the south.
Have a good week, everyone
yer simply bored pal