Kev's conference went well. His Dad lost track of time (no comment) while painting, then called me "during" the conference- so I called him back after to report. They had great things to say about his progress and said that he talked a lot about how happy he was with his "new house". The one thing they recommended (which I am totally on board with) is Summer school to keep him from regressing and to strengthen what he has learned so he'll be more confident and into routine as a second grader. I am planning on talking it up to Kev like a day camp sort of thing. It's only 3 weeks, 3 hours a day. And the teacher did make a point to say it was much less structured and much more hands on fun in the Summer. Wish me luck in convincing him he'll have "fun" at school in the mornings between July and August! LOL
My husband came and hooked up my outdoor light and also fixed my leaky shower today. That was very nice of him. Before that, we had been especially negative with each other the past two days. It brought back all those memories of why we're apart after so many days of treating eachother like best friends who share children. It was nice of him to take a step to turn things back around on the right track with us. He's been exercising and losing weight! I so envy how easy it all seems to him. He's literally been doing it for like a week and he looks like he's lost 10 pounds. Grrrr...