What's on your mind? Finish the sentence with the first thing that comes to mind.
Finish The Sentence....
Body: I'm a...soft woman with curves
Someday, I want... to go on a cruise
There are... days like this
I can't stand... rude people
I wish... I had someone to hold me tonight
I don't know...how I'm going to pick up my bed on Sunda
I want...to be happy, healthy and loved
When I see... babies, I smile
Only when... I'm happy will I truly be all I can really be
I need... love
I love... my kids
I hate... mice
Why can't...we all just get along!?
I wonder... what the future holds for me
I'm sad... tonight
I'm happy... when I'm appreciated and accepted
I don't need... drama
I can't...fly
I believe... in God
If I could, I would... travel the world