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Many Sides Of G

Life & Events > Wild Weekend, Part 1 (Written on Sunday)

Wild Weekend, Part 1 (Written on Sunday)

Wild weekend –Where did it go?

I felt like this whole weekend was intended just to prove Murphy’s Law really does exist. Just about anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Some of the things so ridiculous that all I can do is just grin and bare it. Perhaps this weekend was also a lesson in patience and self-control. If the weekend was a test, I may not have aced it but I definitely passed.

Saturday I spent the entire day running and unpacking. I was awake by 8:00 and on the road with Kori by 10:00. We got so much accomplished that I had been worried about needing to ask A to do for me. It’s not that he hasn’t been helpful, but just that I really need to stop leaning on him and stand on my own. Anyways, Kori and I went to Walmart and returned the futon cover I thought was a futon and actually bought the futon! After fumbling in the parking lot a good 15 mins. Trying to figure out the details of folding down the seats in the Jeep. We dropped that off to the new house and left Kev with uncle Flan so we could go to my friend Kristen’s house to pick up the two tvs and the queen size bed I was buying from her. It was good to see Kristen and give her a hug. She had just been released from the hospital and I signed her cast J She had a black nose and her foot looked so sore. After visiting with her, her mom and baby, we brought the mattress and box springs out and tied them to the roof of the Jeep! This was quite a sight and quite a trip back to the mobile home, but worth it. My steal of a deal pillow top mattress rocks! I’m sitting on the floor with no frame for now but I don’t mind. Then at one point in my day when I was running car loads of stuff from mom’s house to my house, I go to unlock the front door and somehow the latch on the glass outer door got locked and as luck would have it, there is no key for this lock. There is also no key to the back door so I was panicky. Flan came to the rescue and not only got me back in my house but also put together both Kev’s futon and Riss’ platform bed. I still need a full sized mattress for Riss but for now she’s sleeping comfy on a combination full size air mattress and feather bed topper. The mattress has a slow leek though which is a pain in the tush.

I think I’ve mentioned before that to me….a house isn’t home until there is laundry being done. So imagine my disappointment to find that for some reason not yet figured out by neither Flan nor Al- I am only getting hot water in my washer. Scalding, straight out of the hot water heater and no option of cold. Therefore I’m trying to avoid the laundry until it’s fixed. Kev didn’t help by spilling bright red juice on the coffee table this morning. The tablecloth I’m using to disguise the gouge taken out during the move! Then I was looking forward to a nice shower this morning after a long day yesterday of cleaning and a morning that once again started way too early for a weekend. Well, the shower in my bath needs a new head. It squirts water everywhere except towards where my hair would be if I were able to shower there!

Today was my first day walking the dogs on leashes as soon as I get up and several times through the day. I actually enjoyed this chore. It wasn’t bad at all and I sure got more exercise than normal. We walked and Kev rode to Aunt Rhon’s in the evening time. Then we picked Riss up from her friends and went over to Rhon’s house to watch Bigh Brother since I have no cable until tomorrow (providing everything goes as expected). Unfortunatey it was on late due to basketball and it was past the kids’ bed time and Kev especially was showing signs of being exhausted. So I had to head out when it had barely started L. But then the worst happened. The outdoor light is another “just minor thing” that needs repair and as I was fumbling for my keys, I somehow dropped the keys. Which shouldn’t be a big deal, EXCEPT they just happened to fall in the very slender crack

posted on Mar 31, 2008 7:52 PM ()


You just exhausted me reading all this! You've been a busy girl!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 1, 2008 2:47 PM ()
Oh my gosh! You are right--what a hoot--even though, I'm sure it was stressful at the time--you have a good healthy outlook. I hope you have a better day. That Pecan(Cashew) is so blamed smart!
comment by angiedw on Apr 1, 2008 9:27 AM ()
geez girl...
You need a vacation from your new place!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 1, 2008 7:33 AM ()
gwen, you sound happier in this blog! even with all the crazy things going on, you are doing it! I bet its nice being so close to your sissy. Hope today is a great day for you!
comment by elkhound on Apr 1, 2008 4:47 AM ()
Hi gwen. Cashew, AKA Pecan here. I have the cashew blog for reg. posting and pecan... for my other topic.
You can alway flip the breaker switch on your hot water heater if you want to do clothes without all that hot water. Just use the water that is in the tank(where you need hot)like a shower, first.
enjoy that pillow top mattress...and sleep well.
comment by cashew on Mar 31, 2008 8:15 PM ()

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