Kev came back around nine and Riss was supposed to be here by 11 but it's almost noon and I haven't seen her. I just tried her friend's house but there was no answer. Oh here she is now! Their Dad is taking them to a Monster truck show in town tonight and Riss really didn't want to go but I think it will be a good bonding time for them all if she gives it a chance. Usually once she stries something the boys are doing, like snowmobile or 4-wheeler, she likes it.
My husband ended up insisting that he pay the delinquent bill to the electric company because he was worried about how I would make up the extra money and get back on track. I am very appreciative. He's really been great with our separation and transitioning to friends who share kids. I still miss him as my husband from time to time. I am sure it's natural, especially since he's more compassionate towards me most days now than when we were together.
My sis and Flan are out of town for the night so I have another night to myself with no plans. I have stuff to do though, just nothing fun. I'll try to get some school work out of the way.