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Life & Events > Relationships > So I'm Supposed to Find Myself Now Right?

So I'm Supposed to Find Myself Now Right?


I'm single, for the first and only time in my life (since I was with my husband since I was 14). Now how do I begin this process of finding myself? I don't know where to begin and it's not like I have extra money to join activities, clubs or whatever else. And I'm totally not a bar person. Maybe once a year with the girls I like to go out and be silly, but I'm not going to meet a companion or even a date this way. I know there is no hurry and I need time to do this "finding myself thing" but what if I already found myself ? And I just so happened to find myself hanging out on the computer or spending a quiet night alone or getting really crazy and hanging out with my sister! lol

If this is really me (and I have no reason to believe it's not since I have nobody controlling my actions and here I sit alone with no kids on both a Friday and a Saturday night) then perhaps I am destined to be alone.

That's kind of a sad thought. I want somebody to really love me for who I am. I want to be able to show this person every side of me and know that each side is loved as much as the others. I want to experience passion for life and my partner. I want to try new things together and really communicate with eachother without fear of anger, judgement or abandonment. I want someone who wants to take care of me. I want someone who loves my children and dogs along with me.

So most likely I'm going to have to get used to being alone before my soul mate and I meet paths. How will I pass the time and be happy? I have so many things of course in my life that will make me happy but is there really anything that can substitute for a romantic partner in your life? Chocolate only works for so long and I really need to lay off the midnight snacks I've made a habit of (when I awake: alone, outside of the house I've lived in with my husband and children for the past 11 years, nobody beside me, nobody to make plans with, nobody to hug).

posted on Apr 12, 2008 8:19 PM ()


Beautiful photo.. and I agree with lunarhunk, you won't be alone. You have such a wonderful caring and giving heart, when the time is right, you will find that happiness you seek. I believe that for you and for me! We deserve it and when we get our act together and learn to appreciate us, someone else will too! Love you Gwennie!
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 15, 2008 10:02 PM ()
Awww, Gwen. I don't think you are destined to be alone. You are just in a transition phase. Look to see what groups are in your area. There are all sorts of community organizations that meet regularly for common reasons. Through them, you can build a strong network of friends and acquaintances.
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 13, 2008 8:20 AM ()

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