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Defining Gee

Parenting & Family > I'm a Real Pain in the A$$

I'm a Real Pain in the A$$

When I finally confronted my ex today, this is what I was told. And I'd been really missing his lil pet names to me too!

Last night after my last post, Kev couldn't sleep and I offered to come read to him. It didn't take long for me to realize that the book wasn't what he was interested in. His eyes were still all sunken in and sad. I asked him what was wrong and he shook his head in indifference. I asked him if he wanted me to read and he did the same. I asked him if he wanted to come hug me and he came down to the other end of the bed and really hugged me like he hasn't in a long time. Silent tears started flowing again and I didn't need to ask why. He was still missing his dad and still sad that his Dad had said no for two nights in a row when he called him because he wanted to see him.

Then at 1 a.m. Marissa came home because I guess she had a stomach ache and didn't want to spend the night at her friends. I hadn't heard my phone because of being in Kev's room and I was very surprised that it was her father who had brought her home!! When Kev heard this, he again went into sad, angry convulsions and yelled that dad said he wasn't going to be home. This was the second time in just last night that he found out he was home after saying he wasn't going to be home. Marissa knew what was going on and how sad Kev was and it made my heart ache yet swell with pride when she asked him for a hug and then he gave her a big, heartfelt hug as he'd given me. He was feeling so empty. It hurt me so bad. I wanted to hurt his father for hurting my boy! Then his sissy asked him to come sleep with her in her room and he began to calm down and get ready for bed. Rissy got him some tissues and a garbage basket next to the bed so he could blow his stuffy nose.

Marissa also mentioned to me that she thought it awful odd that Dad wouldn't just let her spend the night as his house and come back home in the morning. She had said to her dad "Everyone is sleeping so can I just stay at your house tonight and go back in the morning." He had said "No, I'll bring you home." So quite obviously he was having a sleep over at his house last night.

Today as soon as Kev got up, he asked for my phone. By the time I got up, Kev was asking me if it was okay for him to keep my phone with him because he was waiting for daddy to call him back. Kev said dad told him he had to work and get some car parts to fix his car and he would call him when he got done getting the parts.

All day the phone never rang. G, the kids and I went and had lunch and then to Wally world for groceries and to just browse around a little. For a little while G brought the kids browsing while I got groceries. When I met back up with them, Riss said that her dad had called and asked what size coat she wore and said he was buying her a pink jacket. I asked if he talked to Kev and he didn't.

So in the car on the way home, I called and asked him if he was getting both kids coats. He said yes. Then I asked (blood starting to boil): "Are you shopping right now?" He said yes (obviously with his chick!). I told him Kev had been waiting for him to call back all day. He said he spoke to Kev a few times and didn't know "Kev" was waiting for him. He acted dumb about having told him that he was working while instead was out shopping (trying to look like the good dad out shopping with his new chick) Grrr!! Anger and hate...I wish he didn't have this power over me. He's hurt me for years, but now he's hurting my kids (in particular my baby) and Momma bear if freaking mad!

I lit into him and said that he was hurting his son. He asked how and I explained it to the dummy who in turn told me I was a pain in his a$$. I said that was all well in good, but that's my job as a mom- to be a pain in the ass of those who hurt my babies! He said "Any other night would be okay but tonight I have plans." I reminded him he'd had plans 3 nights in a row that Kev had asked.

Meaning that the kids were going to be turning against him if he continues as he is now, I said "When you lose the kids, you'll know why". I think he may have been thinking of a physical "me taking them from him" but I didn't want to or have time to explain. I wanted to just say one more thing to him. I was in the middle of "I never thought you'd do this to your own kids. You always said you'd never hurt our kids and neglect them let your father did to you". But at some point in that line, he hung up on me. I must have stirred something up though (or maybe his chick told him that he should put his kid's needs first), because five mins later he called Rissa's phone and said to tell Kev he'd pick him up in an hour. Riss said she was going to stay here with us and Riss got a little teary eyed because he took a long time to respond and then was kind of cold to her.

He's showing his true colors to the kids. I'm sad I didn't choose a better father for my children. Why do so many dads try to divorce their children along with their ex?

posted on Nov 16, 2008 6:33 PM ()


Gwen, you know I can relate to your situation. Please look at my comment to the post before this. You can try and try to get your ex to do what you want when it comes to the kids, but in the end, only your ex is responsible for his relationship with his children. I know it's a dismal sad tale, but you can't control your ex's behavior towards the kids. BELIEVE ME! I have tried this. I have tried to warn my ex that he would loose his kids. He lost our oldest... it doesn't seem to bother him. The middle one is hanging on by a thread and when she walks away... he'll blame it on me. So all you can truly do (all you can control) all you have the power for, is to be there for your kids. I know it hurts when someone hurts our children. I have said the "mamma bear" line myself and have felt the sting of tears when my babies are hurt, but I have learned that I am doing the best I can to buffer my childrens hurt from others by ALWAYS ALWAYS being there for them. I've got a decade on you as far as a fresh divorce goes and it does get better, but it can be very painful along the way.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 22, 2008 2:59 AM ()
This sucks..! I just wanted to know if you'd do me....
comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 9:38 PM ()
I can really relate with this too. I'm excited for the ex getting married, means I don't have to explain to Ryley why daddy always has new women in his house...glad he narrowed it down to just one. They have only been together 9 months but that's neither here nor there. What upsets me is his complete disregard for the wellbeing of Ryley and in hind-site, his other son Josh. They will be moving into her trailer...a two bedroom place with a bunk for her two boys. Where do the kids sleep? Where will ALL of the boys sleep? Four kids in a two bedroom trailer is crazy. If he doesn't want to pay me extra support...take the Mexico cash and rent a bigger HOUSE!!!!

Sorry your ex is a bonehead....they usually are.
comment by deborah on Nov 17, 2008 1:24 PM ()
The guy is trying to make a life of his own, so he is putting his own needs and wants first. He still wants to be a dad and he'll "fit that in" as the schedule allows. This is a common behavior that comes from a selfish need to fill a void of some kind that anything from his past relationship/family can not interfere with. It is common, as I said, not in everybody's case but in a lot of cases. "It's time to get on with my life, so I must find new for myself and make old responsibilities less important to me or I'll still be drawn into what was." They don't seem to know how to balance things, they don't see it from the child's perspective, or maybe it doesn't matter in the scheme of things because it's the way things have to be" (according to their interpretation of the state of things). He will and can argue that he is doing nothing wrong and will have things to back up his claims, so it might be a good thing if his new "friend", even if you're not thrilled about it, is caring and sensitive enough to push him towards including his children in his life more than he is doing. If she is accepting and sensitive to him being a dad and what that means (especially to the kids), she may encourage him in a more favorable way. Just as G never failed to include the kids as part of the package you make up, maybe your ex needs to know that his "friend" will accept the whole package, too.
comment by donnamarie on Nov 17, 2008 7:56 AM ()
it'll be ok... they have you and G to lean on...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 17, 2008 7:43 AM ()
I wish I knew the answer to that question, too, Gee.We haven't heard from Rock since Tuesday of last week. I fear that he, too, will lose his kids not because of me (both of our exes are too stupid to figure this out, it seems) but because Rock's true colours are also coming out.

I'm also a pain in the a** we're in good company!

Check your mybloggers messages. I'm going to e-mail you my number. I lost yours, too, because I'm a scatterbrain like that. Does Friday night work for you?
comment by janetk on Nov 17, 2008 6:43 AM ()
I wish I had an answer for you. You are doing the best you can, and continue being Momma bear. You are looking out for their best interests, and I know it is hard having to do that for their relationship with their dad too. I've been there and I am still there, having to deal with my daughter's dad. Hang in there. You aren't alone in this.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 16, 2008 9:00 PM ()
Well, it is tough to see it happen to the kids, but he will have to live with the consequences. They will recover. They have a real loving mother.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 16, 2008 6:37 PM ()

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