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Defining Gee

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > Anger and Tears

Anger and Tears

Another anger filled, wet day (both from rain and tears)...

I strangely miss my mom although I mostly know that she would be no comfort or sympathy at all...

And ironically I know that the person who can and will comfort me the most is right here next to me yet I'm pushing him away.

It's so messed up that I miss him and crave him soooo much yet won't approach him with this need. I want him to need me enough to be as close as I desire him. I want his desire to heal me and make me smile to be so strong that he, without thinking, knows just exactly how closely intimate I need to be with him right now.

G remarked that he's never seen me this low and I responded candidly that I never thought I'd be this low ever again. Naively I thought leaving my bad marriage would be the answer. I didn't expect it to completely cure my depression but- a big part of it at least.

But I'm still allowing him to have power over my emotions. Let's face it, I still allow a lot of people to have control over not only my emotions but also of how I feel about myself. I would have liked to think I'd progressed in this area. Two steps forward and one step back. It may be progress but it still feels like failure when you regress.

So the events of my day included waking up before the break of dawn with anxiety, falling back to sleep only to dream messed up dreams of people luring me into a cult and me fearing for my life. Then I really had to get up to bring Marissa to dance. Then I went to ex's work to get my support check (no problem this week) and also because he had an old phone that I was able to put my sim card in. Thank God I have a phone again! It's actually the phone I had bought for him when we were together, but he never liked it. To him it was a piece of shit and he's since moved on to something fancier and more expensive. To me it's 300% better a phone than the one I had. It's much better now that I've deleted the pictures of Ms. KY and him along with the pics of the fancy hotel rooms he's stayed in.

As I predicted, he's hurting the kids (especially Kevin) more and more now that he's getting more and more serious with VT chick. He had already said he'd take the kids next Friday night and I'd take them back while he worked on Sat. but when I asked him today if he was still going to, he said he couldn't. He's been driving to spend the night with her 3 hours away about 3 nights a week. (Tell me why I hate him but yet this bothers me?) Kevin asked him if he could sleep over with him tonight and he told him no because he was going to his "friend's house" for the night. As you know, I had to arrange different morning care for Kev one day this week for this reason. I also know he went last night and just came straight to work today.

Poor Kev slept for about four hours this afternoon. Partially because he's been sick and it was a rainy day and partially because he was bored because he was the only kid home today. When he finally woke up, he said he missed his Dad and that is when he made the call.He came out of the room not just with tears, but crying. And when I hugged him, he let it go...really sobbed. My heart still aches like a heart attack just thinking about it. I asked him if he wanted to do different things and he kept saying no and just crying. I cried above him but didn't let him see. His head was on my shoulder for a long time. Eventually he decided that he would really like to go see Madagascar II with G and I.

Riss had already planned to go skating with friends and then is sleeping over with a friend tonight. We headed out at about 6 to get subs and then brought her to skating. She also had a birthday party this afternoon! Gosh that girl is too busy! I never had a social life like her. We got to the cinema early enough to get good seats. Kev wanted to sit between us. He held the giant popcorn. It was a great movie. I could tell Kev still wasn't feeling good and I also couldn't believe the way he kept cuddling up to G. The more his own Dad pushes him away, the more he is loving and looking for attention from G (who happily gives it). It makes me so sad that his Dad (who he idolizes) is pushing him away. I'm very thankful that we have G though.

Kev and G have spent a lot of time together this evening. They're on the computer together right now. Earlier today he was showing Kev how to do one of those projects where you scrape the black paper with a small metal tool to reveal a gold or silver picture. I can't believe how much patience he's had with it and also how he's perservering with it and keeps going back to it tonight. He plans to finish it for Grandma Connie for Christmas.

It's going on midnight but he's not tired of course.

I so need to get out of this sad cloud. Someone please shake me, squeeze me, slap me silly....

posted on Nov 15, 2008 8:45 PM ()


Gwen, you're not alone and what you are feeling is normal.
One thing I can say to you about your ex-husband. You can't NOR are you responsible to protect your kids from his true character. Your ex is going to do what he's going to do. Continue to build a consistent routine with your children so they know what to expect when it comes to "you". And I'm telling you, the kids will be fine "knowing" they can count on their Mom always.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 22, 2008 2:50 AM ()
You know, depression in any form and at any level is not something you just turn off and on like a light switch. It takes some doing to get that switch to turn off, but it somehow knows how to turn itself back on! You don't see it coming, you figure the on position is a thing of the past, but the darn switch does it's own thing...and, I swear, it does it when nobody is looking! That's why certain things can trigger it...not necessarily all the time and not necessarily the same things...but certain things at certain times are in cahoots with that switch, trigger it with a nudge, and the darn switch flips to the on position. It even knows how to do that when things should be ok, but it's even easier when it knows something is wrong. So, just like before, regardless of whether all is good, all is bad, or if there's a mix of things, you have to acknowledge that the depression is there, it will take a little time and work to figure out how to turn that switch off again, and you will do it once you've mustered about the strength that's required. That strength, though, has nothing to do with muscle or brawn, it has to do with all the "tricks" you've learned and have at your in your higher power, trust in G, the thrill of intimacy, the joy of your children, the pride of your success, your honesty about your feelings, and the love you give to and receive from all who truly love you, appreciate you, and care about you. Yes, talk about it with G and don't be afraid to ask for (or tell him) what you need, but you'll also feel better if you make sure that there HAS to be just good ol' together time with him and/or with all to laugh, watch a movie, bake cookies, or go on a hike. Balance is what you need, but don't cheat yourself out of the discussions and actions you need for your personal self. You're still dealing with a lot, so these regressions, as you call them, are to be expected. But, if you could punch your way through it when things weren't as good as now, you can certainly punch through any regressions now. And, look at the great support system you have right there in your home! You've actually got a team on your side now, so let them be your team and you can make this fight against that darn depression switch a lot easier and a lot less frightening.
comment by donnamarie on Nov 16, 2008 4:46 PM ()
I could have written this, too.I promise, that no matter what, you're not in this alone.
comment by janetk on Nov 16, 2008 1:05 PM ()
Ditto on what Strider is saying! You are such a wonderful person. Don't let others tear you down!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 16, 2008 8:37 AM ()
All things must pass and this will're fortunate to have G. Of course you can't control what your ex does regardless of his neglect. you're a great soul, remember that...wishing you the very best often even if you don't feel like it!
comment by strider333 on Nov 15, 2008 11:45 PM ()

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