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Defining Gee

Jobs & Careers > Tear Stained Blogs ...

Tear Stained Blogs ...

Bad days become bad weeks...and they scare me. I feel like I'm slipping (an all too familiar feeling that I hoped was a thing of my past).

My anxiety has been through the roof for I'd say almost 2 weeks. I'm depending too much on my anxiety meds (in my opinion- not that I'm going over the maximum daily dosage).

Today it all started with another Spanish teacher and some unwelcome comments she made to me. In case you're a regular reader of my blog, this is the same woman who made me feel like sh&t after my last absence with her unnecessary comments.

Yesterday I didn't go in because Kevin had a fever. He's 8, I'm a single Mom, he can't stay alone when he's sick....and I do have a job that gives plentiful sick days.

Today this woman and I were talking about how drained teaching the 1a class can leave you. She went on to tell me how once she had to teach it 2 years in a row and then after that, it was decided that nobody would have to teach it more than one year in a row.

Then for no reason, she went on to say that she was unsure what would happen next year though and that I may have to teach it again. I asked a simple why and what she said floored me, angered me and later in the day (as it simmered), it brought me to tears. She said "Logically you would go up to teaching Sp II and Sra. Fakename would take a turn teaching 1a, but I don't think you'll be able to teach Sp III since you're absent like once a week". I told her that it was unfair and that I wasn't out once a week. I also said that I have taught Sp III in the past and my students had excellent results on the state exam. She continued to go on and on about how I should be worried about trying to get tenure from the school and they would be looking at my absentee record "So I really need to try to get here". I explained that it was my son who was sick yesterday and I'm a single mom and I really didn't have any other options. I further tried to shut her up by telling her as I have before: that I'm doing my best and I believe in fate. If it is determined by administration after 3 years that I'm unfit to teach at Saidname school because of my attendence, then I will move on to a different profession.

I'm very sensitive and I already doubt my abilities to teach and most of the time think I'm not cut out for this profession. Every year, every marking period, after every school break...I start again, determined to be better than I was before. Determined to be stricter and not let the students disrespect and misbehavior get to me. Determined to be friendlier with my colleagues, hold my head high and smile.

Then usually for a while, I think I'm having success. I think the students do respect me. I believe I am teaching them. I enjoy the feeling of camaraderie with my colleagues.

But it always comes back to matter how hard I try or what new tactic I put into play.

I feel so not good enough, useless...
I want to disappear, become invisible...

I'm a scatterbrained idiot who sometimes convinces herself that she's just human and is doing a pretty good job at juggling what life's given her.

And just to add salt to this wound, this scatterbrained idiot washed her cell phone and it's dead, gone... I lost my only phone and am not eligible for replacement without dishing out big bucks. WE don't even have a home phone.

I will have to do something. It's not safe to not have a phone. Guess it will be another thing that will take away from the "Christmas that almost was" of 2008.

I had planned (there's the p word again- a definite no no if I don't want to be disappointed) to go to a holiday craft show tonight with G. I used to absolutely Love going to these things and haven't been in years (as I one by one have given up on anything that once gave me joy- the depression monster). I was so excited to have someone to go with me and maybe enjoy it like I do. I even told my parents last night on the phone that I'd be going and they were happy for me and said "Don't ever stop doing things like that together."

Well for this weekend anyway, it stopped before it started. Non only did G have to pick up his son from a class trip at 7:30 but I'd also spent all my week money on dance recital tickets that are being sold only ahead of time.

posted on Nov 14, 2008 4:31 PM ()


THAT is the person who has a problem! You're not doing anything wrong and, yet, you felt you had to explain yourself and justify your absence. Well, sometimes we do have to do that, with those in a superior position, but THAT woman must feel that you are a much better teacher than she is, can handle more than she can, is more of an excuse maker than a person who states things realistically, or just downright insecure or having problems of her own. So, if you think you're insecure and any of those things, then thank goodness you're that much more confident and have that much more happy and good things in your life than she does! Whoooo, don't let that woman or anyone else like her get you down because they're actually looking up to you! You represent something that threatens their mood, security, confidence or whatever...that shouldn't make you happy, but it should be a boost, not a let down.

You are letting a lot of things tug at you and, because of the habit of thinking in certain ways and the reality of this behavior/thought pattern in your life, you are dealing with a common recurrence of something that tends to pop back in when certain things become comfortable but some underlying problems still exist and/or old memories and ways return from the sub-surface when new excitements and pre-occupations subside. It IS NOT BECAUSE ANYTHING IS WRONG...but your mind makes you have to believe something has to be wrong so to give you a protection, something familiar that has it's own comfort and familiarity to it. This is when therapy is more important than the meds, not just talking with friends and loved ones (which is helpful, of course), but with someone with professional skills for helping, just like a medical doctor would be consulted and more active during an active medical problem even if medication was being taken. But, it isn't because anything is wrong or something bad is happening to you. It's the darn "what's happening to me and why" thoughts and feelings that are wrong and those can be worked on so that they can be just as good as you are!
comment by donnamarie on Nov 16, 2008 7:15 PM ()
I've been a terrible friend lately and I'm sorry. I could have written this blog post. Once again, you and I seem to be going through the same thing at the same time. I've stopped feeling creeped out.Now my keyboard is tear stained, too.
comment by janetk on Nov 15, 2008 5:14 PM ()
People who point fingers at other people are often trying to take the spotlight off of themselves. Having worked as a teacher, I ran across teachers and even a principal who spent the majority of their time picking their fellow workers to pieces. The truth was that they themselves weren't doing their own jobs as well as they should.

I also fight anxiety and depression and I really battled it during the last 5 years of my teaching. I finally quit because of the stress. I'm happier now.

I do hope things get better for you. Annie :o)
comment by anniel on Nov 14, 2008 9:12 PM ()
Don't let that woman make you feel down. If you do, you are giving her words power. People only say things like that when they are insecure. Tearing other people down empower them.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 14, 2008 8:03 PM ()
what an evil monster that woman is! GAWD I hate people like that Gwennie! I know its easier said than done, to not let her words bother you. I have just now gotten to the point where evil words do not affect me. I hope that you can have a nice relaxing weekend. take care sweetie
comment by elkhound on Nov 14, 2008 6:43 PM ()
That woman is evil. She knows precisely how her acid tongue hurts you. That's why she does it. I'll bet she has poisoned her own relationships with friends and family and now she's working on co-workers. Be civil to her but don't let her engage you in conversation. She's an evil cow.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 14, 2008 5:52 PM ()
Gwen, honey... you must not let this woman get to you. You are better and stronger than that. Her rudeness is HER problem. It's HER issue. Don't give her the impression that she can bully you around or disrespect you. Please give yourself some credit and work on a thicker skin. You're giving your power of control away when you let someone reduce you to tears. Her opinons and half ass assesments of how things will go are Bull crap. Who died and left her to call out what she doesn't even know. I'm telling you, she has a self esteem problem and by bullying you manages to make her pathetic self feel superior to her. DON'T LET HER.
I am sorry about your cell phone. That is unfortunate. You're not concentrating on the tasks at hand because you're so upset about other things.
Take a deep breath Gwen and make the most of this weekend. You owe it to yourself.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 14, 2008 5:37 PM ()
comment by mellowdee on Nov 14, 2008 5:19 PM ()

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