Yesterday we went for a nice walk in the morning and got the dogs good and tired. Then (dare I say) I was completely pampered with a full body massage after a nice sudsy shower. Then we decided to go to Saratoga Springs and walk Broadway which is filled with tourists for the month of August for track season. We had lunch out under an umbrella table at a bagel shop. The weather was absolutely perfect and there are so many pretty things to look at. I especially love all the painted horses displayed in the streets and who can resist watching people ride down modern day streets in a horse and carriage? We ended up at another book store for a bit yesterday and then finally decided that we were ready to head home. (Of all the places we go, home's still our favorite)
This morning we had breakfast outside and were at the beach by 11:00. I lay in the sun and G lay in the shade, yet he's burnt and I don't really feel as though I got any sun! We each read our books. Well, let me rephrase... I read my book. G read his book, then laughed and read his book to me! Then G couldn't read his book because he was distracted by the elderly ladies next to us loudly "talking about" how much they love reading their books! G's all like "If you like reading your books so much, READ THEM and let me read mine". (just loud enough for me to hear) It's funny how "side noise" can distract some people. Maybe it's the mom in me or the teacher in me or maybe it's just a Gwen trait, but I can basically tune out "side noise" or I can totally multi-task with the best of 'em! Regardless of the reason, I can easily read while other people are reading. It's actually kind of funny that right now G and I are having a talk about multitasking and how I can turn all the way around in my desk chair (face him) and continue typing out my blog! LOL
Then we went to the strip malls in Lake George and walked the strip in the hot sun. We had to exchange sneakers for G's son and then we just browsed for a bit and got a good, brisk walk in! We had to grocery shop and get some last minute school things for his son. We got home around dinner time to put all the groceries away and sit down to some yummy fried chicken! I must comment on what a good team we make! My ex and I never really did anything together, especially not any sort of errands or work. We would fight and be just awful to each other if we did.
Tonight I'm getting ready for SCHOOL tomorrow! It's superintendents day so no students until Wednesday. Then Wednesday night will be my very first time EVER teaching a college class!
Buena Suerte A Mi
Hope you all had a fantastico weekend!