I do feel bad though that the kids were supposed to go camping with their Dad this weekend and plans got canceled by the people they were going with. So my ex is trying to keep them occupied but like everyone else, doesn't have lots of entertainment cash and also he REALLY has trouble relating to his pre-teen daughter... She called me so many times last night and when I called her at 10 a.m. she was still sleeping. She never sleeps late here and I know she went to bed early. Then my son called me this morning mad at his Dad because his dad wanted him to wear clothes that match!! Good gosh! Why does he have to be so stubborn? I'm afraid though, that as much as I do feel "bad" for my ex because the kids make him feel awful sometimes for not wanting to be there, my ex has really created this. My son is a mini-him, through and through.
The bunny bit me today while I was cleaning out his cage and putting new bedding in. It hurt!!! I forgive him though! lol Later I tried again and I think he was actually trying to get at the bedding coming out of the bag and my hand was just in the way, because he was standing up and clawing at it. It was wicked cute actually. He likes to set up his own bedding. I wish I had a better place for him than in Kev's teensy weensy room, but I just don't that I can think of. I'm afraid this long-haired bunny is going to be bad with the asthma in the winter when everything is closed up. I'll figure it out though.
Happy Sunday everyone!
Glad you had such a nice day.