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Defining Gee

Life & Events > A Weight Lifted and I Can Breathe

A Weight Lifted and I Can Breathe

glitter-graphics.comToday has been a great day in the sense that this morning a big weight was taken off my shoulders when I went to the college this morning. All my questions were answered and I was given the texts and ancillaries. She also was kind enough to print up her own syllabus, put my name on it and copy it for my students since she knew she had put me in an awful crunch. She made me feel like a valued professional and that feeling (for me) is rare.

After I was back from the college, G and I went out on a little date since we have no kids today!!! Or tomorrow!! Or Monday!! Do you believe it?? Shhhhh!!!! you hear that???

Me neither!! It's silence!! NO actually I'm still stuck on John Mayer every since the concert!

So anyways we went to lunch at Friendly's and then he brought me for a nice ride to an awesome used book store where they were selling all their paperbacks for $1 each. The atmosphere of this place was sooo cool! It was in an old building, filled with hard wood floors and shelves, floor to ceiling, everywhere. The shelves were labeled with simple labels of sections but in each area, trinkets related to the book sections could be found hanging and sitting around the books (rats, skeletons in horror, hearts in romance). It reminded me of an old, small town library really. There were books on both floors of the building and nobody could walk up the stairs (or across the floor for that matter) without being heard. SQUEEEEAAAAKKKK!!! It was awesome fun though! We each picked up a few books that we'd been wanting or had heard about in some way. It's so nice (we both agree) to be able to hang out with someone else who enjoys books. Oh yea, and someone else who talks about authors like Edgar Allen Poe and how much we liked him in high school while eating lunch at Friendly's. (grin)

After the book store, it started raining but it stopped pretty much right when he pulled up to the little boat launch area he wanted to show me. We walked down to the water where G showed me his mad rock-skipping skills! I'm sure he was a lil disappointed that I don't skip rocks. I've just never been able to, but it is fun to watch them go.

We've made a trip to the store for essentials and now we're two love birds, free to do whatever we feel like doing (or nothing at all) until Tuesday morning!

Life is Good!

posted on Aug 30, 2008 3:37 PM ()


sounds like a good day for you. I just love hanging out at used book stores too. Ya never know what treasure you'll find there.

yer bookworm pal
comment by honeybugg on Aug 31, 2008 5:14 AM ()
The bookstore sounds delightful. I could get lost in that place! Have a great weekend sounded by love and peace.
comment by angiedw on Aug 31, 2008 3:53 AM ()
I am so happy that things are ironing out at the college! That is wonderful news.
The bookstore sounds so awesome!
Enjoy your weekend with G!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 30, 2008 5:55 PM ()

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