We had alot of storms go through yesterday, lots of good rain too. I heard some rumbles of thunder overnight, mainly because Rambo woke me up getting on the bed. But we had nothing like they had in Virginia where a major tornado touched down.
Waiting for the bus this morning, everything looks so bright and alive. The birds were singing, there was a light breeze blowing. It smelled fresh and clean.
I was a big lazy bum yesterday. I watched a Stephen King movie, The Mist. It was really good and followed the book closely until the very end! that was a shocker to me!
My neighbor T has told me that in previous years when she has had a garden, she has taken some to the local farmers market to sell. She said this year maybe we both could do that! Sounds like a good idea to me!
Is it just me or is this crap about miley cyrus crazy? I thought the picture she did was very tasteful. Is it because of her age that people are questioning it, or that she is a role model for young girls? I just didn't see anything wrong with the picture. She is a beautiful girl. And her daddy is pretty hot too! I feel the media is trying to find dirt on her to put her in the category of other pop stars, like ms britney spears. The media invades their life and then says, oh look what we found! Its sickening actually. This is my opinion only. What are your thoughts?