It was a busy weekend, hubby got most of the honey do list done. We ran out of time for shopping for a mattress though. But we got everything else done. The yard is cut and looks so good, so green! I need to buy my plants for the garden and get that started too.
It will be a stormy, rainy day here. So I have housework to keep me busy. yay....NOT. I did not sleep well last night so I am having a hard time getting started. Waiting for the coffee to kick in.
Kota had a good weekend, spent mostly outdoors. Our neighbors were busy doing things in their yard and they call kota their little shadow. He doesn't get in the way, just follows them around and watches what they are doing. He was really fascinated when Mr. M was doing some sanding and using his power saw. lol Then he was across the street playing with some kids. Its great to see him out there playing with some nice kids. Even though the kids are a little older than him, they got him involved. They were playing volleyball and then baseball.
I have some errands to run today. Might do those this afternoon. I really need to work on the bedroom some more, organizing and putting away clothes. My least favorite chore.
hope you have a good monday.