I used to blog freely, about whatever was on my heart at the time. I got away from that. I guess I felt I had to censor what I was writing about. Either to spare someone's feelings or to avoid confrontation. I will be getting back to blogging like I used to. I am not college educated but life has taught me many lessons. I have hopes and dreams and I also have skeletons in the closet, we all do! what is my scariest skeleton? hmm, I would have to say cleaning house. I hate it, despise it, have better things to do. LOL But....I am breaking that cycle. I am slowly getting into a routine of sorts. I tackle things one at a time and do not let myself become overwhelmed.
I used to say I didn't have time to clean, I am busy living life. I think that was just an excuse. But let me tell you, having a disorderly mess really brings your mood down. Since I have been tackling these cleaning, I feel better about myself. I have even slipped in a little decorating.
Enough about that.
It has taken me a long time to learn who I really am inside and I can honestly say I really like who I am now. I guess thats why I put in the about me section, I am quite fantastic. Not to brag about myself, but to remind myself I am not such a bad person. so look forward to me writing more from the heart. Go easy on me, I am quite sensitive.