Today my little guy, kota, turns 7 years old! At exactly 10:46 AM. I cannot believe he is already 7, where has the time gone. I remember the day he was born, it was a Monday. My contractions started at 3 in the morning. At first I didn't know what it was. So I woke up hubby and said, I am getting these funny pains. He jumped out of bed and announced he was making the coffee. We expected a long wait until I had to get to the hospital. I called the doctor and she asked, how far apart are the contractions. I told her they started at 10 minutes but are now 5 minutes apart, very regular. She laughed, said I think you better come to the hospital. I had a very short labor really for my first baby. I was expecting to have it go on for days, like you hear in all the horror stories other moms tell you. I do remember a nurse commenting that I did not have stretch marks. I looked at her like she was crazy.
Kota is my joy, I never knew how wonderful it could be to have a child. My older two are my stepchildren so I missed the baby days and all the big milestones. Kota's brother and sister just adore him. I love how they get along.
Because of the house situation we just did not have the money to have a kids party for him. But I promised him that when it gets warmer we have some of his friends over on a Saturday. So we will have cake and ice cream, a few presents and lots of hugs and memories.