I thought I would put some pics up here from the trip. I will leave out family shots as you guys have no idea who these people are. It was definitely beautiful scenery!
this is where me, hubby and kota slept. I slept really well in the tent! It was nice and cool at night, most nights I needed my blanket!
posted on Aug 3, 2008 4:06 PM ()
Nice pictures. I love the picture of Kota besides the turkey crossing sign.
Love those pics. When we go up to visit my husbands Grandma, we always see wild turkeys. It's so funny to me.
Sounds like you had a great time with the family.Kota really is a cutie.That is so cool that you got to meet Jondude.I bet you'll even have a better time next year.I am so happy the weather was nice,it can get pretty hot in a tent.Vacations never last long enough.Laurie
Wonderful pictures! You must have had a stupendous time! I saw some pics on Jon's site! Great!!!
good times! Glad ya got to meet Jondude. Too cool!
Great Pics, sounds like you had a good time!!
Looked so nice and relaxingJust what the Dr orderedOh yeah did u hear that Bee is having a girl???
I was trying to get back to Tiffin before dark. The road I take is the one where the deer ran into my car last November. It is scary for about two miles where the road goes through a park. Right at the end of the park, just where it opens into corn fields, there were about thirty deer crossing the highway. I stopped behind another car and we waited. Whew! I'll never drive that road after dark.
Tell Dakota I said, "Gobble, Gobble!"
I love going places we haven't been before. It is always an adventure!! Kota will have a neat thing to write about when he starts school. "All About My Summer Vacation"
Great photos, Mary. Glad you guys enjoyed yourselves, and you were comfy in the tent. Hope you are resting up from your trip home and getting ready for a good week!
so Koda is a big turkey. The three of you slept in that little tent Did you have room services. Oh!what do I know. A well spend holiday with your family this is precious. The pictures are great. I know the feeling when holidays are over and do not want to come back.You ever noticed that near the end when you start to meet people and how nice they are,you have to leave. This is what I hate/Oh!well life goes on. Happy for you and the rest a well deserved holidays. Now we have to wait next year?
The pictures are awesome, and Kota looks like he is having such a great time. I have a feeling he has a devilish streak in him. AJ