We got home around 6:30 this evening. Actually thats when we got to the inlaws. My daughter showed up shortly after we got there. We are all so tired! It was really a great vacation and I will share stories with you, just not tonight. Basically my mother in law's family is just like her, down to earth and just really nice people. We stayed at one of her sister's. When we left Friday, I cried. I didn't want to leave as I would miss my new found friend. I cried a little bit on the road, I am just a sentimental fool. We had to leave a day early. Mainly because while at the sister's house they discovered a plumbing problem and all the brothers were coming Friday to rip up the back room floor, replace pipes and fix the foundation. We intended to go sight seeing but I was not feeling well at all Friday. So we started on our journey home.
The best part about coming home was getting to meet Jondude! Let me tell you, he is just as nice in person as he is on here. It was great to chat with him and hear his stories. We got to the restaurant a few minutes before Jon and were waiting outside. He walked up and said, Hi Kota! I chuckled, everyone on here knows Kota! So he got to meet my hubby and my inlaws as well. I think I threw Jon's schedule off by coming a day early but he was gracious about meeting us and I appreciate that.
When we finally got to our house, we had to brace ourselves for the onslaught of animals. oh the poor beagle was beside herself! Even the cats came running. So of course I threw my purse down and cuddled all of them! I sure missed the babies but I had updates from daughter that they were all doing fine although a bit lonesome. I am glad we have sunday to sort of relax. We have tons of laundry and the house is a disaster. Seems the animals showed their displeasure of us not being home by using the house for thier potty. We did a quick cleanup for tonight and tomorrow we will do a thorough cleaning. I think next time I will get someone to stay at the house with the babies.
My vacation was just what I needed. We didn't do alot of running around. We just hung out with the family, ate tons of food, dranks gallons of soda or I should say 'pop'. Kota was a completely different kid up there. Well behaved, self sufficient, out spoken! I was quite proud of him. Ok, before this gets too long I will just say good night and its nice to be home, sort of.
Love ya - Annie :o)