Still feeling a little blah today, buts cloudy and cool also. Sundays, I have noticed hubby gets weird. And i figured it out. Its his job. There has been a lot of turmoil there, people layed off. There changing things up and I know he is feeling uneasy. Although he has been assured that he should not worry, of course you are going to. cuz thats what they always say until the knife comes down. I do think he has nothing to worry about as he is one of their top service technicians and also pitches in with propane delivery. They even had him teach a class last week down in Ocean City Maryland. But sundays, I know he starts dreading going back to work. He gets snappy, and irritable. Right now we have a pretty good deal with job. He has a company truck to drive back and forth to work. That is one of the benefits of him being on call so much. So we don't have to worry about gas to and from work. And it leaves me with the car to use.
Kota got up with a sore foot. keep in mind, I cannot get him to wear shoes when its warm. So all weekend he was going barefoot. At first this morning he couldn't hardly put weight on his foot. And then there was the yelling, don't touch it! don't look at it! lol I got him calmed down enough to look. It looks like he bruised the heel of his foot. I had him soak it in cool water this morning, as it seemed a little swollen. But he got dressed, got his shoes on and said he had to go to school. Do you know why he was so adamant about going to school? Because he said if he misses school then I won't let him go to karate! YES! I don't know how he will do karate with a sore foot and I doubt the instructor will even let him. But maybe he can sit there on the mat and watch.
time to do the laundry.