Sundays are our lazy days. however, I cleaned the cat room. the room they have their food and litter boxes. And the cats are so fascinated with me cleaning. I took the cat pans outside to clean with the hose. After I was done, kota asked if he could water his plants. I knew what was coming, hehehe. I finished cleaning and changed into a tank top and shorts, thinking I could work on my tan while reading. Kota was indeed watering his plants, and the rest of the dirt where my garden will be. It soon degenerated into a strip show. First his shirt came off. He slathered mud on his belly, face and arms. The wind was coming from the north so I went inside, was kind of chilly. When next I checked on kota, his shorts were off. He was out in his underwear. But you couldn't tell, as he was sitting in a giant mud hole, completely covered in mud. Yep, thats my boy. I will have to find pics of me when I was little. Most of them, I am covered in mud.
The only bad thing is when kota went to take his shower. Well he had gone in and rinsed off. He came out for clothes and I told him to go back in and actually use soap and shampoo this time. I was reading and I heard a big bump and then the crying started. Both me and hubby ran to the bathroom, nearly colliding in the hallway. Kota had slipped getting out of the tup, and landed on his back. His back hit the heater. OUCH! It instantly turned into a bruise! And 5 minutes later he was running around being crazy like normal. the heater is electric baseboard. so while the heat was not turned on, his back caught just the edge of it. I will check it again when he comes back inside. ok, just checked, its just a skinny dark line on his back.
He has been outside most of the weekend. And while watching him get dressed I noticed that indeed he does have a red neck. hehehe I believe he will need another shower or perhaps a nice soaking bubble bath. my dirty little boy. *grins*