I was going to title this post, Old and out of shape, but I did not want Martin yelling at me. So I am saying I am older and out of shape. Here is the reason why I titled this.
Today, I weeded my rose flower bed. I have four english rose plants in the bed. 3 of them are very small and they always die way back in the winter. One plant is gorgeous, nice and big and bushy. So I also gave them special rose food. I was doing a lot of bending, pulling, raking, etc.
Then I promised Kota we would practice his tae kwan do. He was the teacher and showed me different moves. I have to say, he had them all right. We then were playing around, kicking and blocking. And now my poor body is yelling at me. I can almost hear it. "we have been dormant all winter and she decides to do karate!" My back, neck and legs are aching.
Which brings me to another topic. Remember my recent weight loss? Well I had not weighed myself in several weeks because I knew I had not been following my healthy eating, nor exercising. I am happy to announce I did not gain any of the weight back. Next time I do tae kwan do, I will do my warm up exercises first! But I have to tell you, it felt really good! We worked out in the back yard. And just running and kicking and moving, it was invigorating! So maybe I don't have to sign up for class. As long as I pay attention while kota is in class, and he can teach me, I think I can do pretty good.
I think I will take some ibuprofen and try and get my neck to move. Sometimes it sucks to realize your body is alot older than you feel it is! Tomorrow we will practice again in the back yard, weather permitting. I think we might be getting some rain and storms. Thanks to elfie. She always sends her weather to me! *snorts*
enjoy your saturday night, relax tomorrow if you can. And hug a kid. There is no better feeling in the world.