Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > You're Fired!

You're Fired!

yep, I got canned. LOL About 2 weeks ago I was called into the manager's office. I knew it was coming. My assistant manager was there as well as my zone manager. Zone managers have supervision over a section of the store. During my termination we were joking and picking on each other. I was kind of relieved. No more living in fear of the axe falling on me. My assistant told me my work was never in question. I always work hard, do what is asked of me and always complete projects. She said it was my attendance. And my attendance was bad. But in my previous post I pointed out that I choose my family first. Me and kota have had sinus infections, strep throat, the flu and numerous occasions of each. Yes I had doctor's notes but when you work somewhere they kind of expect you to come in to work every day! My assistant told me I can reapply to work there in 6 months and she would gladly take me back. I am still thinking on that one. I am currently looking for employment, part time employment. I don't want my work dictating how much time I can spend with my family.

In my first two weeks of unemployment I have been getting this house organized! Kota is enjoying me being home. Hubby loves the fact that I am cooking dinner every night. LOL I am more relaxed and enjoying life once again.

There were other issues in my termination. But ultimately if I had not missed so many days, I would not have been in danger of termination. You know how you have those people at work who go out of there way to make you miserable? yeah, I had one of those. She was a dept manager and her daughter also worked there. Her daughter got fired a week before me. The reason was her attendance. But there were other issues as well. She was stealing time. She would leave work hours early and then adjust her time on the computer the next day. She would also get food from the deli and not pay for it. Well her mama decided it was discrimination if I was not fired. But like I said, had I not missed those days I would not have gotten fired.

Now I need to concentrate on getting healthy. My doc wants me to get that A1c test done for diabetes. My last blood test showed I was only 2 points away from being diabetic. I need to lose weight. But I am keeping active, doing alot of cleaning. The weather seems to be getting better and I am hoping to start walking again.

I am doing pretty good!

posted on Feb 11, 2011 6:57 AM ()


Only just caught up with blogs... I didn't realise that you were without employment. What about doing Avon or something? I do it over in Scotland and it works well round my family and I have built up a relationship with customers that if need be I can call them and ask them to collect their order instead if we are not firing on all cylinders. Just a thought... these things are as hard and challening as you make them. I do it so that the kids can go to swimming lessons and we can have a couple of extra treats a month x
comment by jensgems on Mar 22, 2011 7:24 AM ()
I agree with febreeze. take care of yourself hun.
comment by tracy on Feb 28, 2011 5:58 AM ()
Just think of all of the work that the dept. mgr. has to do without you! Enjoy your time at home and your family.
comment by dragonflyby on Feb 14, 2011 5:43 PM ()
Bye bye WalMart! Hello happiness!
comment by marta on Feb 13, 2011 2:02 PM ()
It's really hard to go to work when sick or when you have a sick child. Hope this won't put a financial hardship on you and you can stay home at least until you are healthier.
comment by redimpala on Feb 13, 2011 1:07 PM ()
Now that you don't have to go to work everyday you will be able to find time to walk, rest more and concentrate on getting healthy.I love your positive attitude. As long as you can handle the financial end of being unemployed, then enjoy your free time. Your boss actually gave you a bonus; maybe you should write him/her a thank you note.
comment by gapeach on Feb 12, 2011 8:12 PM ()
I'm sure they miss your hard work and wish you were back there. Maybe you'll be able to find a nice part-time low stress bookkeeping job. I loved bookkeeping, every day was like a card game dealt in front of me and I won if I got the books to balance first try or I got done faster than the day before or I learned something new.
comment by troutbend on Feb 11, 2011 7:06 PM ()
I am so sorry to hear about your being let go, but it sounds like it will work out. I know that you sometimes experienced a lot of stress from it. Since Ray's stroke last month, his diabetes has been a bit worse, which has meant having to take insulin rather than oral meds. I get to play nurse to give him his injections. He has already started to lose wait since his stroke (down almost 20 lbs), and it does seem to be helping with his numbers.
comment by lunarhunk on Feb 11, 2011 12:17 PM ()
I hope that Ray gets his diabetes in check. I know it's nothing to play around with. stress contributes to diabetes so hopefully now I can get mysself in check and get healthy again. I am very relieved to be out of walmart, that place was just getting worse and worse.
reply by elkhound on Feb 11, 2011 1:02 PM ()
YAY Funemployment! I am happy for ya and I hope you enjoy all your time with the fam while ya can.
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 11, 2011 11:58 AM ()
i am having too much fun for someone who got fired! I want to redecorate the house, finish getting it organized. Kota is even pitching in! I just need to find a job where my life is not dedicated to work! HA!
reply by elkhound on Feb 11, 2011 1:04 PM ()
So glad you now have the time and energy to concentrate on your health and your family.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 11, 2011 10:15 AM ()
I have even had time for crocheting! I might even get back into jewelry making! It is like a weight has been lifted off of me!
reply by elkhound on Feb 11, 2011 1:05 PM ()
Everything happens for a reason. Concentrate on your health issues Mary, that is so important.
Hope you are feeling ok in yourself

comment by febreze on Feb 11, 2011 7:40 AM ()
at first I kind of felt like a loser, getting fired from walmart! but my family and friends are very supportive and won't let me think that way! it's on to new things now!
reply by elkhound on Feb 11, 2011 1:06 PM ()
The last line is the important thing!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 11, 2011 7:09 AM ()
so true Martin! I had lost my positive outlook. everything was negative to me. I was not happy and my family suffered for that. We have fun now! We laugh and joke, we do things together as a family!
reply by elkhound on Feb 11, 2011 7:15 AM ()
I'm sure my comment will be considered outdated & old fashioned, but a spouse/housewife/Mother that stays (and works extremely hard) in the home works for my family. It's difficult holding it all together in a two-income family (I worked outside the home for many years). My entire family 'likes' the way our home operates. I am stress free & happy. That sets the tone for the rest of my clan.
comment by shesaidwhat on Feb 11, 2011 7:08 AM ()
well that would make me outdated as well! I believe it is more important for me to be here for my family. I was missing out on so much while working and my family suffered for it. it's like that saying, if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy!
reply by elkhound on Feb 11, 2011 7:14 AM ()

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