Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Jobs & Careers > Family Before All Else

Family Before All Else

I am kind of in a state of anger and anxiousness. See, I might be getting fired today from my job. At the beginning of December I was 'coached' and given a 'D-day'. I had missed alot of time from work in the last 6 months. Over their allotted days I could miss. A D-day is a day off with pay to write an essay on what you are going to do to change your situation around and be a better employee. Well that's all fine and good but what do you do when sickness is not preventable? I understand walmart's position. When I am not there for my shift my co-workers must take up the slack or in the case of last night, there is no coverage for our area. This past weekend Dakota became very sick with the flu. Throwing up and diarrhea. He missed school on Friday, I called out. I went to work Saturday because hubby was home and could take care of him. I was off sunday and monday. Monday night Dakota had a relapse after appearing to be getting better. It is much better for me to miss work than my husband. He makes twice as much as me and his job is more important. He works for a propane company as a service tech. This is their busy time of year. I am not supposed to miss any days for 6 months after getting my D day. In my life, my family comes first. My son needed me to take care of him. Although I am anxious about going in to work today at 3, I know I did what was best for my family. That's another thing. I have been getting all of these shit shifts. 3 to 11! There are others who don't have kids to take care of and could more easily work that shift. Then I also get the mid shift, which is like 11 to 8. I don't see much of my family to begin with, add in these crazy hours and I feel my life is walmart. I do like my job for the most part. I was moved back to the jewelry department which also includes the lingerie, bras and underwear. I am busy all the time.
I am dreading going in today. I am tempted to call my supervisor and ask her if I will be fired. Because then there really is no point in going in. All they will do is make me feel lower than human for not giving my all to walmart. They will point out all of my faults and let me know I am not proper material to work for them. Did I make the wrong decision in this time of scarce jobs? In my heart I know what I did was in the best interests of my child.

In the good news department: My wonderful step daughter got engaged on Christmas day. Her fiance asked hubby's permission to marry her. He is a wonderful young man and I am over the moon happy for both of them. She has already started shopping for dresses.

Dakota is all over the flu now. He is still not eating like he was but he is feeling much better. I can tell he is better because he is back to picking on me. LOL

I will let you know if I get fired. At this point I don't care if they do. Sure it will be hard on us but I am sure I can find another job. Maybe it's time to go back to accounting.

posted on Jan 12, 2011 7:13 AM ()


Good afternoon Mary

comment by augusta on Feb 11, 2011 4:31 AM ()
hello my friend. it's still morning here! I am cleaning like a mad woman!
reply by elkhound on Feb 11, 2011 6:43 AM ()
Glad to hear that you did not get fired. That is so demoralizing even when you know in your heart that you did nothing wrong! Think about going back to school. The better paying jobs treat their employees better too!
comment by dragonflyby on Feb 3, 2011 4:53 PM ()
Oh No. Don't be long with the cleaning!

comment by augusta on Feb 1, 2011 3:36 PM ()
A very good morning to you Mary - hang on, make that 'afternoon' (haven't been up too long)

comment by augusta on Feb 1, 2011 4:47 AM ()
and good morning to you too! getting ready to do some cleaning here and then I will tell the story of my getting fired.
reply by elkhound on Feb 1, 2011 7:01 AM ()
Good on you Mary Perhaps she thought you were a 'push over', well you showed her, that you most definitly are NOT!!! Good Girl! I'm proud of you

comment by augusta on Jan 16, 2011 9:30 AM ()
How did you get on?
comment by augusta on Jan 15, 2011 7:03 AM ()
I didn't get fired. I went right up to my manager and asked her. She said she wasn't ready to discuss that situation. I think I through her off by just asking if I was fired.
reply by elkhound on Jan 15, 2011 5:46 PM ()
Of course you made the right choice. WalMart has never been known for progressive, caring, family-supportive employee policies, and your experience validates that. Maybe it's time for a change?
comment by marta on Jan 14, 2011 11:52 AM ()
I am searching for something new. I have to get out of there before they suck the life out of me. maybe I need to go back to school?
reply by elkhound on Jan 15, 2011 6:18 AM ()
the corporate heart is a stoney thing, Mar. If it were me, I'd beat them to the punch and give my notice. sounds like the management has their heads us their a--es.

yer take this job and shove it pal
comment by honeybugg on Jan 14, 2011 3:18 AM ()
it is so tempting to just quit, but I need a new job lined up. if they fire me I can collect unemployment until I get a new job. it is so frustrating being there, no one is happy and everyone is in fear of being fired for something stupid.
reply by elkhound on Jan 15, 2011 6:15 AM ()
Mary, as one Mom to another...of COURSE you did the right thing.You are not a new-hire at Walmart and their lack of compassion and dignity for a hard working mother disgusts me. Instead of having you write an essay, they might do better to look back at all you have given them over the years.

I'm with meranda. It's time to start poking around and looking for something else. You are worth far more than that bullsh*t.
comment by juliansmom on Jan 13, 2011 7:58 PM ()
even my department manager agreed that my days off were justified. they are just in a firing frenzy, getting rid of full time employees. It's almost to the point that I wish they would fire me and get it over with!
reply by elkhound on Jan 15, 2011 6:16 AM ()
Of course, you did the correct thing by putting Dakota first! Influenza, can be deadly. I lost a healthy (non smoking) grown up cousin a couple of years ago because of 'flu.
Have you written your 'essay'? Now if it were 'me' having to write it, as well as indicating how I could 'improve' (? !!!) my self, I would subtly put he onus on how 'Walmart' could help 'me' to help 'them' - see what I mean? Mention that a better 'shift' which suits parents with children opposed to 'single' people with no 'family ties'.
I am 'union' through and through. I realize that in the US things are different. But surely, if a few more workers who are in the same position (or similar) to you, got together and mentioned your proposals (which would 'help' the running of your particular store), perhaps they would 'wake up and smell the coffee'. The managerial people, must, have similar problems to the workers on the 'shop floor' - it may, help them, in the long run too.
Let us know what happens today,
Remember too Mary, everything, happens for a purpose. You are probably going to go onto even better, things - never forget that!
Congratulations to the happy couple So nice to have the guy do the 'old fashioned' thing - love that!
Good that Dakota is over the 'flu - it really pulls the little ones down.
Write more soon Mary, missed you here
comment by febreze on Jan 12, 2011 8:22 AM ()
our store does not really care what our issues are outside of work. we are just supposed to take what they give. I have mentioned my schedule to them but was told everyone has to work at least 2 night shifts per week. you would think after being there for 2 and a half years I would get preference over the newer part time people. I just tried to call my supervisor, she called out today.
We had a bit of an ice/snow storm last night.
reply by elkhound on Jan 12, 2011 8:29 AM ()
I have to send this to my daughter she works at Wal mart.
comment by fredo on Jan 12, 2011 8:13 AM ()
our walmart is not one of the best. there are moral issues and no one is really happy there. when someone leaves a department, their position is not filled. Just more work for the rest of us. No one has just one department that they are responsible for. And you have several managers telling you different things. It's quite frustrating.
reply by elkhound on Jan 12, 2011 8:18 AM ()
I would start job searching even if you don't get fired. It sounds like you are not happy there anyway....
comment by meranda on Jan 12, 2011 7:57 AM ()
you are right, I have not been happy there for a while. I have been working on my resume and getting ready to send it out.
reply by elkhound on Jan 12, 2011 8:16 AM ()
Oh girl... you did the right thing!!! These things happen and I can't believe they made you write an ESSAY!?!?! What is that about??? I still say tell them to suck it and find something less degrading. No one needs that in their life! There has GOT to be a different job out there that you could do if you need to be working.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 12, 2011 7:36 AM ()
that's what I think kristi. it is very degrading to work there. Ever since my d-day my asst manager is constantly checking on what I am doing. my work was never in question, it was my absences!
reply by elkhound on Jan 12, 2011 7:38 AM ()

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