Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Parenting & Family > Yooo Hooo, Anyone Remember Me?

Yooo Hooo, Anyone Remember Me?

Sorry for taking so long to write. I do check on people's blogs and sometimes comment. Just have not been feeling like writing. I am still unemployed. I have discovered my hidden talent of cooking. I love cooking and experiment alot, so far no complaints! As I do not wish to return to the retail field, all those nights and weekends and never seeing my family, I am thinking of going to school. There is a program for medical office assistant. It's expensive so I am looking into grants and loans. Hubby wants me to go back to accounting. He does not understand there are many more qualified people who did not take a break for 10 years. That does not look good on a resume.

I am loving taking care of my family and it has been beneficial that I am not working. This has been the worse year for us as far as illnesses. And now its allergy season, hurray.

Hubby makes comments once in a while about me not working and throws out ideas at me. He usually gets 'the look' for these suggestions. I am not going to work crazy hours again. First of all because no one else takes care of the house when I am working those hours and secondly retail is a bullshit job. If you don't kiss ass you don't get anywhere. Walmart has got to be the absolutely worse place to work if you have a family. You owe your life to them and family comes second.

When I was fired I was told by my assistant manager and also my immediate manager that I should come back in 6 months. I was recently in the store and my immediate manager told me 'DO NOT COME BACK!' She looked horrible, the stress was taking its toll on her.

Hubby and kota have started fishing again. I go along with my camera to take pics of nature. I enjoy watching them together. I will try and post some pics here but I am not real good at that.

ok, my pics are too big so I will edit them and add in a seperate post.

posted on May 4, 2011 6:43 AM ()


Yes, go back to school if you can. It will revitalize you.
comment by dragonflyby on July 12, 2011 9:12 PM ()
Good luck in whatever you do!
comment by elderjane on May 11, 2011 8:43 AM ()
thank you so much! right now i will take all the luck I can!
reply by elkhound on May 11, 2011 10:55 AM ()
Enjoy each day as a Blessing to be with your love ones.
comment by anacoana on May 7, 2011 12:35 PM ()
so very true ana! I love taking care of them and they bring such joy to my life.
reply by elkhound on May 8, 2011 6:06 AM ()
Nice to see you again.
comment by fredo on May 4, 2011 10:09 AM ()
I was going to make the same suggestion that John did, about the way to shape a resume around life experience and skill sets as opposed to job titles. Do try it, Mary. Check online for suggestions, and don't forget to check out for ideas. LinkedIn is another online network for job and professional connections. I know not having two pay checks can be a strain, but little changes in spending can take some pressure off until you find something that fits you. I'm just so glad you parted ways with WalMart! Uggh.
comment by marta on May 4, 2011 8:24 AM ()
thanks for the tips! I have been struggling with my resume since I left walmart. basically all I am doing is applying anywhere that has a posting. I will check out monster for the resume tips as well. thanks!
reply by elkhound on May 4, 2011 10:01 AM ()
I still haven't gone into a WalMart!
I am free for dinner every night and I never complain about what I am fed--just wanted to tell you that.
comment by greatmartin on May 4, 2011 7:54 AM ()
you are welcome at my table any time! and kota would love having his uncle martin over.
reply by elkhound on May 4, 2011 9:59 AM ()
I have been having the same problem with getting the gumption to right on here again. I am just too pooped to do it when I get home for the evening.
I am so excited to hear about your falling in love with cooking. That can be so soothing and fun for people.
We do our grocery shopping at a Walmart near our home, and the employees there seem to like it. It always surprised me since your experience seems to fit a lot more with what I have heard about the company from other employees (current and former).
comment by lunarhunk on May 4, 2011 7:17 AM ()
there are some good walmarts out there. Ours suffered from our poor management. You had 4 or 5 different managers telling you to do different things.
I really love cooking! And working with a limited budget has taught me to be creative. Only thing is, I have gained weight from it!
I am trying to get back to writing on here. Its just my life is kind of boring so there isn't much to write.
reply by elkhound on May 4, 2011 7:20 AM ()
Walmart is the devil. I am SOOO GLAD you are out of there. Can't wait to see some pics! Although I have seen some on Facebook. Nice to hear from ya! If you liked accounting I think you should give it a shot, ya never know unless you try! If you didn't like it, well then I say pursue what you want to do!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 4, 2011 7:08 AM ()
I actually hated accounting. I kind of got thrown into that field. I am good with numbers and all that, it was just kind of boring to me. walmart IS the devil!
reply by elkhound on May 4, 2011 7:18 AM ()
Resumes can be written these days to focus on life experience rather than on just a chronological list of employment history. Always think creatively these days when marketing yourself. I say this in part from experience. I'm thinking about applying to teach an online course or two. I have the credential, but I don't have the online teaching experience that they'd like to see... but.... I do have online experience, so.... Good luck.
comment by jjoohhnn on May 4, 2011 7:00 AM ()
thanks John! I might work on a new resume today, focusing on life experience. when you think about it, as a stay at home mom I was the accountant, food service specialist, housekeeper and child welfare expert!
reply by elkhound on May 4, 2011 7:17 AM ()

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