Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > A Dead Robin Hood and Other Mysteries

A Dead Robin Hood and Other Mysteries

I worked last night 6-11. One of my customers at the end of the night was a young man in costume. It was a really cool costume, one he obviously rented. It looked like Robin Hood. Except for one thing, his face was all white. I had to ask him what his costume was. He said dracula. hehehe I guess if he had a cape it would have looked more dracula like. I didn't tell him he looked like a dead robin hood.
I bought new pants the other day. They are men's cargo pants. Ok, men's clothes are so much more comfy than women's! But by the end of the night my pants were sliding down, even with the belt on. They were the right size, they are just really roomy. Maybe I should have gone down a size, what with the weight loss and all.
This weekend has been fun. Friday my son came home for the weekend from his school in New Jersey. So we have had a house full. Its great though! Yesterday we all went out to hubby's sister's house. His sister A and her husband have two horses. They had them at a farm but the farm was recently sold. So they moved their horses to the other sister's house, K. They rode the horses over, and I have never seen their horses. Zippy is female and just a very easy going, friendly horse. Toro, is a black male and quite skittish. He used to be a race horse. But he is a magnificent horse! Yep, forgot the camera once again. Kota was scared of the horse at first. Then his big brother took him in the corral to meet Zippy. That was really cute. Zippy loves kids. Kota got a little afraid that Zippy wanted to eat his shoes.
Today we need to do our grocery shopping but I go in at 4 and I am still in my jammies. Hubby has to go with his son later to help him buy tools for his schooling. They have the latest schedule up at work. My birthday falls on a saturday so I knew I wouldn't get the day off. But I work 6AM until 2 PM that day. Grrrr, my least favorite schedule!
I have been kind of grumpy off and on this weekend, I think just cuz I am tired. Can't seem to catch up on my sleep! Yesterday by 2 in the afternoon I was ready to fall asleep. I did get a quick nap before I went into work. At least they have me working short shifts lately. Tomorrow is another short shift and I am off tuesday. So is kota. Other than going to vote I have nothing planned for that day!
I need to buy some ink cartridges and photo paper today. I want to print off some pics of my ninja. One is going to his tae kwon do master. I think he will like it. One of the things he says during class is Activate your ninja powers! lol
Saw one of my buddies last night! Yay!!! He stopped by my register for his usual picking on me. But he was no where to be found when I had to walk to my car at 11! I will have to yell at him tonight when I see him!

posted on Nov 2, 2008 7:04 AM ()


How much have you lost? By the way, when is your birthday? I feel awful, I've been so wrapped up in my own woes.
comment by teacherwoman on Nov 6, 2008 3:40 PM ()
Dead Robin Hood?
comment by strider333 on Nov 3, 2008 6:15 PM ()
Yep! You need someone to walk with you to the car that late. Do they have a security guard?
comment by redimpala on Nov 3, 2008 5:29 AM ()
Around these parts your birthday is a big holiday...the first day of gun deer season.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 2, 2008 1:21 PM ()
"Activate your ninja powers" That's where that comes from

Keep going to TKD class and you'll have to buy more new clothes, which is good and bad I guess.

This mixed-shift schedule of yours tires you out every week.
comment by stiva on Nov 2, 2008 10:53 AM ()
I hope you get caught up on your sleep, Mary and can chase away the crabbies.
comment by janetk on Nov 2, 2008 8:36 AM ()
dead Robin Hood heh heh. try and get all the rest possible. dealing with the public all day can be tiring...'specially in the nether regions.

yer not missing the a-- ache of retail sales pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 2, 2008 7:45 AM ()
You have been really busy lately so that could lead to the on-and-off grumpiness. I know that I get cranky when I have less down time for myself. I hope you are able to find a way to get your birthday off so you can celebrate!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 2, 2008 7:32 AM ()
Hi MARY, sounds like you could use a few more zzzz's.... me too. Even with the extra hour this morning, I'm still dragging. I managed to get my hubby to go to the grocery store TWICE with me this week. A new sale ad started at our grocery store this morning and I had my coupons ready, tee hee.
Hope you have a great week. My kids are off on Tuesday too... just have to vote, but nothing else... so I'm looking forward to the down time.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 2, 2008 7:21 AM ()
Here's to your having a Happy Birthday in spite of having to work--how does it feel to finally reach 21???????
comment by greatmartin on Nov 2, 2008 7:20 AM ()
Awe - I hope ya get some sleep! And that is funny about the dead robin hood! hehe
Sounds like a busy and fun weekend indeed!
Can you trade someone to get your birthday off?
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 2, 2008 7:11 AM ()

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