Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Health & Fitness > Another Achievement

Another Achievement

Last week at tae kwon do we were told that part of testing for a new belt would now include the ability to break boards. And that we would be practicing on Monday, yesterday. Needless to say I was filled with doubts for myself. Me, break a board??
First they showed us the proper technique using your fist and then kicking. I was still doubtful. For the kids, they had thin boards, easy to break. And it was so cute to see them break their boards. They were so excited and proud. We all cheered and clapped for each one of them. Then they started with the white belts. A young boy, I would say about 10 years old was up first. No problem breaking the board with his fist. The board is about an inch thick. Then came the kicking part. He was struggling with this one. I groaned inwardly. There was no way I would be able to do this.
When it came to my turn they had the asst instructor holding my board, have I mentioned he is a black belt and only 14 years old? Also my Master instructor was standing next to me. First the fist, I think I closed my eyes but when I looked up the board was broken! Now I had to break a board by using a kick. I tried, twice. Nothing, not even a crack. My Master put his hand on my shoulder and said, do not look at the board, look at the floor under the board. So that is what I did and that board splintered into several pieces! I looked at him increduously. I told him, I should listen to you more often. My husband said the look on my face was priceless. I could not believe I had done it!
After we got one of our board pieces signed by the Master instructor. The really cool part was watching the high belts break their boards. First of all they all used two boards at once! Spinning back kicks, knife hand blows, it was truly amazing. The highlight was when our Master broke a board using his head! And his wife broke 3 boards at once, using her fist! I was in awe!
so the lesson learned was this, only I can set limits on what I can achieve. It might seem an impossible task but if I face it and try, I can overcome my own self doubts.
I also got a wonderful neck massage from Mr. John. I think he could tell how tense I had myself.
There is also this one kid, I think he is about 12. When he broke his boards it took him one try. I have noticed whenever someone talks to him, he never looks them in the eye. I went over to him later and told him he was just amazing! I said what a great job he did breaking boards. He thanked me shyly and said I did quite well too.
That is why I enjoy this class so much. Everyone is very encouraging and always cheering you on to try something new or difficult. There is never laughter or jeering. But we do like to pick on each other good naturedly.
Its back to work today. And I finished my Twilight book. Not sure what I will take to read during lunch. Its also cold and raining.

posted on Nov 25, 2008 3:38 AM ()


Wow, Mary! You broke a board!! Awesome!
comment by hopefields on Nov 25, 2008 8:43 PM ()
You are getting better every day and I think it is great you are showing the naysayers who are/were so wrong!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 25, 2008 3:49 PM ()
good job, you and kota.
comment by butterfly1969 on Nov 25, 2008 3:47 PM ()
verah cool....we'll be calling you Master Mary before long.

yer "wax on...wax off" pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 25, 2008 3:21 PM ()
Once in awhile I find a book that I can't help but read fast because it's so good, but am sorry when it's done. If I'm lucky the author has written more and I can find them.
comment by troutbend on Nov 25, 2008 12:42 PM ()
comment by firststarisee on Nov 25, 2008 12:15 PM ()
WOW! That is so cool!
comment by busymichmom on Nov 25, 2008 12:00 PM ()
I knew you could do it, Mary!Awesome!
comment by janetk on Nov 25, 2008 10:15 AM ()
Get you girl.Go get them.
comment by fredo on Nov 25, 2008 10:12 AM ()
Woo HOO!!
comment by meranda on Nov 25, 2008 8:29 AM ()
YAY! You should be so proud of yourself. It sounds like the class is a great support system.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 25, 2008 8:21 AM ()
That's awesome. I like the part where you say that nothing can stop you - only you can! I like to believe that...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 25, 2008 6:09 AM ()

Great accomplishment and feelings Mary
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 25, 2008 3:41 AM ()

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