So I promised not to talk about the snow any more. Tough!
We are socked in again but not nearly so bad as Tulsa. My
daughter has not been out of the house for 8 days. Little
boys came by and shoveled part of the driveway and my
sidewalk around the door. I admired their enterprise but
they seemed to enjoy it and made some money.
I prepared for this one by getting 4 movies and l2 books
from the library. Ted got on netflix and got all action and
adventure movies. He especially likes the ones where the
world ends in flame and water. I asked him if he didn't
feel compassion for the characters and he said no. My
oldest friend is re-reading Old Yeller. I asked her if it
made her cry and she said, "Oh yes, I weep buckets." Personally, I avoid animal stories for that very reason.
Did anyone see the border collie on ABC world news with
Diane Sawyer? He knows l000 words and can do deductive
reasoning. Rex has really learned to manipulate us. Last
night he went behind the couch and made barfing noises in
order to get outside after I had refused to let him go. Even though he is very hairy, I don't think it is good for
him to be outside in -2 weather.
I don't see how anyone could deny that global warming has
changed climate patterns. I hope that Sue is not getting
the brunt of this storm. When your houses aren't built for
this kind of weather, it can be tough. The old couple who
lived here before us were very concious of saving energy
and got insulated glass and heavy attic insulation. Even so
our faucets have to drip on the outside walls when it gets
below l2 or so degrees.
So much for life in the artic. Forgive me for fussing
about the weather, Fredo. I know you and Mike have it much