So far, I have finished the Living room, entry hall, hall,
my bedroom and have a wall and a half finished in our
office/exercise room. When you paint off white over off
white you don't get a lot of bang. The blue for the bedrooms is very subtle but I love it. Ted has not painted one thing and I resent it even though I know he doesn't
feel very well. It is a dirty job and no one wants to do it.
Adrienne did not make honor band which is made up of all
the best in central Oklahoma. She says she isn't disappointed but her friend Erika made it and she was looking forward to being with her. It is a pity you can't
make up for your children's disappointments.
I have been crawling up and down the ladder like a reptile
so there isn't any news from my house. I did go to the
library yesterday and loaded up on books that look promising. I wonder why so many bad books get published.
Reading and Boston Legal are my souces of entertainment.
We are on the third season of B. L. now. It is our favorite
show of all time. Ted is now hooked on it too. We need
to get a cleaning cd for our dvd players but fortunately
there is a store a couple of blocks away. It is not like I
have to go downtown.
Years ago when I bought my house, it had dark paneling on the walls. I hired a guy (I'm not smart like you) to paint the hallway and doors blue, and had wallpaper put in the dining room. The blue walls seemed outrageous back then and startled people, but decoraters use all kinds of bright colors on indoor walls now.