The most remarkable aspect of my trip to Tulsa was seeing
Sara and the beautiful bustline she has developed. She is
so tiny and is in a 34 triple D bra. Her tummy is not big
like mine and my sister's were when we were pregnant. She is so cute. There is also the prospect that Curtis will
transfer here or in one of Oklahoma City's area towns.
I really hope so.
The trip was uneventful except that my left eye feels
sunburned. Going is east and coming home is west so you
have the sun in your eyes both trips. If I am by myself, I always stop at Braum's ice cream store and take a break.
Sara loved all the baby things. She is going to use the
beautiful baby quilt that Avis gave her for a wall hanging.
It is so pretty. She will have a baby shower on August
eleventh and then we will know more about what to give
the baby at our double family shower.
Laura and Blake were tired. Blake had the day off and Laura
had to go back to work. Eric, I think was agitated by
my presence. There certainly needs to be some medical
breakthroughs on autism and alzhiemer's because it is
increasing so rapidly. Our own Jordan Tang at O. U. medical
center has made some amazing progress on alzhiemers.