While we are celebrating remember the rag tag Revolutionary Army that defeated the British super power!!
Happy Independance Day!!!!!!
posted on July 4, 2010 5:34 AM ()
I've been watching the History Channel about how our country was formed, and it's incredible --America gained independence by a hair!
I have watched most of those on the history channel and have got the ones on the Adams family on netflix. The guys in the trenches always have it hard.
Happy 4th.Enjoy the day.
Happy Fourth of July! Happy Birthday U.S.A.!
Thanks for the reminder. And thanks to my great X 4 (5?) grandfather, Jean Pierre LeSourd, a Frenchman under Lafayette, who fought for our independence. (He stuck around to become an American.)
I'm reading Bruce Catton's book "Never Call Retreat" about the Civil War. That was another war for independence with bedraggled soldiers.
There have been several PBS and History channel programs about the revolution. Enjoyed watching them. What I wasn't so up on was that Washington's Continental Army was not paid for a long period due to lack of funds, they were underfed, and they didn't have enough equipment or warm clothing. There were a couple of insurrections, several of the ringleaders were executed. The second uprising, the firing squad was made of the close friends of those to be executed. After that, there were no more. The officers, incidentally, had enough to eat and warm quarters.