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Southwestern Woman

Entertainment > Delirious


With joy and relief. Although every bone and muscle in my body is aching, I have everything done but the family room.
It is not perfect but it is so clean. There is no way that
Ted can help. He says he can but he got on the step ladder
and nearly took a tumble. He is weak and dizzy and can
hardly walk.

The Christmas craze is in full swing. I will have to go to
the game store and most everyone wants memberships and the
like. We are just getting a mailbox full of advertisments and pleas for money for charitable causes and animal welfare.

My cousin by marriage that is so obnoxious wrote a book
about the Sirloin Stockade murders and my real cousin sent
us a copy. I have been to busy to look at the contents
but it is a very slim paperback. I venture to say that she
bugged the holy hell out of the Oklahoma City Police Dept.
while she was writing it.

We are still just waiting eagerly for the next installment
of Boston Legal. I may order another funny series. Laughter is such good medicine. Neither of us could stand
William Shatner before but since he is playing such a low
life sleaze we have gotten fond of him.

posted on Nov 16, 2010 12:43 PM ()


A movie I think you'd enjoy is from 1994, The Madness of King George III. He was the king during the American Revolution. It's a 'comic bioptic' starring Helen Mirren, and I started watching it on instant view, am going to start over from the beginning because it's pretty funny, but at the same time one of those period pieces I know you like. I can't remember if this was Georgina's time, but I could picture her being there. Maybe you've already seen it!
comment by troutbend on Nov 21, 2010 12:33 PM ()
I DVDs. It's so nice to watch at your own pace and be able to pause for bathroom breaks, snack breaks and screaming kid breaks.

Clean house=Happy Lady. I'm happy for you, too.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 16, 2010 4:36 PM ()
Thank you. Laughter is good medicine. My grandmother who had a womanizing
husband and very little luxury in her life could always see the humor in
every situation.
reply by elderjane on Nov 17, 2010 4:42 AM ()
Shatner has reinvented himself -- and no one suspected he could. I followed the 2nd Star Trek, not the first that Shatner starred that I thought was rather adolescent. The 2nd was much better. Worried on your behalf about Ted -- no diagnosis? Keep us in the loop please and hope nothing serious is going on.
comment by tealstar on Nov 16, 2010 4:17 PM ()
He has an mri scheduled December 7th and also life line screening on the
4th. I hope they come up with a diagnosis other than the fact that he has
had a small stroke.
reply by elderjane on Nov 17, 2010 4:44 AM ()
sorry,to hear about Ted.This is not good there and need to be more careful.
I have not watched this series.Have so many going on now and cannot keep up with it.
comment by fredo on Nov 16, 2010 2:00 PM ()
Try it. You will laugh your head off.
reply by elderjane on Nov 17, 2010 4:46 AM ()
Poor Ted! Geez... what is going on with him???
I like William Shatner in S%$@ my Dad says... the TV series
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 16, 2010 1:39 PM ()
We should know something in three weeks. I would send him to the emergency
room in an ambulance if he would go.
reply by elderjane on Nov 17, 2010 4:48 AM ()
We have the show 'over here', but as it is on during he afternoon, I rarely get a chance to view. When I have done, I enjoy it immensely ! Stepladders can be a little frightening and dangerous - even the 'low' ones. I hope Ted is ok now
comment by augusta on Nov 16, 2010 1:11 PM ()
Step ladders are dangerous and I have climbed up and down on them for the
last two weeks. Sooo glad it is over and done with.
reply by elderjane on Nov 17, 2010 4:50 AM ()
Low life sleaze and idiot! Yes, this is a very different role for him.
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 16, 2010 12:59 PM ()
The cast on Star Trek just hated him in real life. I think he is playing
a character who is like him and that is why he does it so well.
reply by elderjane on Nov 17, 2010 4:52 AM ()

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