With joy and relief. Although every bone and muscle in my body is aching, I have everything done but the family room.
It is not perfect but it is so clean. There is no way that
Ted can help. He says he can but he got on the step ladder
and nearly took a tumble. He is weak and dizzy and can
hardly walk.
The Christmas craze is in full swing. I will have to go to
the game store and most everyone wants memberships and the
like. We are just getting a mailbox full of advertisments and pleas for money for charitable causes and animal welfare.
My cousin by marriage that is so obnoxious wrote a book
about the Sirloin Stockade murders and my real cousin sent
us a copy. I have been to busy to look at the contents
but it is a very slim paperback. I venture to say that she
bugged the holy hell out of the Oklahoma City Police Dept.
while she was writing it.
We are still just waiting eagerly for the next installment
of Boston Legal. I may order another funny series. Laughter is such good medicine. Neither of us could stand
William Shatner before but since he is playing such a low
life sleaze we have gotten fond of him.