Sexual mores have certainly changed since I was a girl. I
never got along with my mother so I left home at barely
seventeen and went to work at Southwestern Bell.
My mother told me that as surely as night follows day, one
bout of sex would make you pregnant. Once pregnant I would
be turned out homeless and unable to support myself. When
I was date raped, I went to my doctor who was remarkably
sweet and understanding. He assured that probably nothing
would happen and I gave him the name of the boy. We
lived in a place where every body knew every body and he
also said, "Don't tell your father, he would kill the boy."
So, I went to my marriage bed almost a virgin. Most of
the girls that I knew never had sex before marriage so
when one got married they shared the gory details.
This was so Victorian but now we have the opposite view.
Anything goes. Couldn't we reach a happy medium? I have
been enlightened by my grandchildren about hook ups and
my thirteen year old grand daughter informed me that just
one night of unprotected sex could ruin your whole life.
I agreed with her.
This generation thinks that they invented sex. They want
to see naked bodies writhing on screen. There is little
romance. Whatever happened to one perfect rose sent every
day and candlelight and wine?