The morning newspaper brought word that Terry Nichols is
seeking a healthier diet because of his religious belief that whole grain and natural food are meant to be eaten because God has ordained it. He has gone on a hunger strike to get his way and the prison has force fed him intravenously.
How could he expect special treatment after the murder of
so many people in the Oklahoma City bombing of the Federal
Building? The images of babies and toddlers injured and
dead will be forever burned into my brain. The misery and
suffering that he and his co-conspirator caused certainly
resonates in every Oklahoman.
I have a friend who starved herself to death when she realized that she had Alzhiemers. She would take no food
and no drink. She had seen her mother linger for years
in a nursing home with the disease. As a nurse, her solution was starvation. I have always wondered at her
will power.
I have no sympathy for Terry Nichols. He is pond scum
and his life in prison without the possibility of parole
is justified.