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Southwestern Woman

News & Issues > Monstrous Charities

Monstrous Charities

Two sweet old girls established The Jesus House which took in everyone and provided meals and essentials such as disposable diaper to the homeless. Yesterday the paper stated that they were broke and revealed the fact that this trailer trash woman had appointed herself manager and had
raised her salary to one hundred and fifty four thousand
dollars a year after the founders died. Her son was also
doing quite well for himself as an employee. They were
operating without a board of directors, had not paid taxes
that were overdue and had overdue utility bills. I had not
donated to them recently and was very glad I hadn't.

Then this morning there was an exposure of Feed the Children. They had kept it in the family and were paying
them selves outrageous salaries. That is, if you, like me consider 204 thousand a year to an untrained and uneducated
person outrageous. This one was especially awful because of
it'tear jerking tv advertisements. My mother donated a lot
of money to them.

It makes my blood boil to think of them preying on people
who think they are giving to the poor and homeless and
are in reality supporting lavish life style.

I am further irritated by the fact that somone egged my
car which was legally parked in a handicapped spot. The
sticker was displayed on the winshield. They must have
thought I was not handicapped enough or were angry that it
was locked and they couldn't loot it. Who in the world
carries eggs to vent their spleen?

posted on Aug 9, 2010 2:01 PM ()


Yesterday we saw a guy park his Porsche in the handicapped spot. No placard, and the only license plate was out of sight on the back of the car, but when they left, I saw he didn't have a handicap plate, either. He was probably thinking he'd park there so his fancy car wouldn't get dinged by the trashy folks like us in the regular parking.
comment by troutbend on Aug 13, 2010 8:17 AM ()
Scam artists are common--one must be careful. As for phone solicitations, we each have our way of saying no. Mine is, " I'm not giving at this time. Thank you. Goodbye." For a person on the "no call" list, I sure get a lot of calls! (And I won't tell you that you could park off by yourself and get extra exercise walking. )
comment by solitaire on Aug 11, 2010 8:38 AM ()
They will just get fired and probably not serve in jail. No surveillance
cameras in the parking lot. It made me furious but no harm done and my
car is now cleaner than it was.
comment by elderjane on Aug 10, 2010 5:38 PM ()
I have a rather well-off buddy who puts the money right where it's needed without the middleman. He had a disabled veteran who insisted on working paint and do work around his house. He also made sure that a local guy whose baby was in intensive care at a hospital miles away always had gas in his car. Maybe it only helps one person at a time, but my buddy knows where the money goes and what it's used for.
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 10, 2010 6:37 AM ()
That is a smart idea but you lose the deduction on your taxes. I guess it is
six of one and half dozen of the other.
reply by elderjane on Aug 10, 2010 5:23 PM ()
I give only to local charities where the money stays in either my county or the state of Georgia. I will not give money to charities that advertise on TV. Those ads cost thousands of dollars, money wasted.
comment by gapeach on Aug 9, 2010 4:54 PM ()
You are right about tv time. It is a misuse of money that should be going elsewhere.
reply by elderjane on Aug 10, 2010 5:26 PM ()
Geez! That's some crappy stuff right there... I hope the people with the fake charity get what they deserve, and BOO on the eggers. Karma (for them) will be a b@tch!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 9, 2010 4:45 PM ()
The reason I have a handicapped sticker is because I had knee replacements 17 years ago and they loosened somewhat. I bet they egged me after they
saw me walk away from the car. You just can't judge who is and is not handicapped because a heart patient could drop dead and look ok.
reply by elderjane on Aug 10, 2010 5:29 PM ()
I hate solicitors for charities. Most of the agencies that call for donations, less than 20% actually goes to the cause. The rest is eaten up by the agencies that solicit donations on behalf of these charities, and that includes the state troopers, police associations, etc.
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 9, 2010 3:14 PM ()
I knew that about the police and highway patrol solicitors. I usually tell them that I don't donate because it is a boiler room operation. I usually divide donations between A. S. P. C. A and human charities.
reply by elderjane on Aug 10, 2010 5:32 PM ()
People who plan on egging cars carry eggs with them.
I hope those profiting from the fake charities get the book thrown at them......and some eggs too.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 9, 2010 2:51 PM ()
We can only hope.
reply by elderjane on Aug 10, 2010 5:32 PM ()
So sad that two iconic charities in Oklahoma with which I'm quite familiar would fall into such disgrace.
comment by jerms on Aug 9, 2010 2:42 PM ()
When Sister Betty and Sister Ruth ran it, it was a wonderful charity and helped countless homeless people. It was Sister Betty's daughter who took
over and ruined it. It is just the same with Larry Jones and his family
and it is sad.
reply by elderjane on Aug 10, 2010 5:35 PM ()
All of it very dismaying. Will the frauds get jail time? Does the mall where you parked your car have surveyance cameras? Perhaps you can find out who did the deed (although it does seem that it would take some effort).
comment by tealstar on Aug 9, 2010 2:24 PM ()

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