How am I doing? Thought I'd write a post to answer the several concerned questions.
Some days I feel so 'normal' that I wonder how my life can go on as if my son never died.
Sometimes I catch myself referring to my 'sons' only to realize with a start that it is no longer the plural form. Then I feel this huge, gaping hole in my life.
I still cry at any mention of him, but I try very hard not to think about him. When I realize that I am deliberately not thinking about him I cry again. He should at least live in my heart; in my thoughts.
I go on with my volunteer work. It distracts me. My art? I got disgusted with all of the mediocre attempts and tried to do something worth keeping. I painted this one to express my feelings. No, it is not my face, just my feelings. I call it, "Lamentations".
I still know how to laugh and enjoy others. Amazing, isn't it? How can someone hurt this much and still laugh at stupid jokes that arrive by email? I think because life goes on...
I deeply appreciate your care and concern.
P.S.: This is only 90% finished. I have to wait for the oil to dry before fixing and adjusting things.