I tried to post a YouTube video but it did not work, so I deleted it. Oh well, it was rather long anyway. It might be easier to just leave the text.
I have always found music to be healing. Music, especially singing changes the wave lengths within the brain (alpha/ beta/theta/delta), so I am sure the impact is physical as well as spiritual.
Since Tod's death there is a piece of music I have desperately wanted to hear. Nearly every day it comes to mind. I located that CD yesterday only to learn thirty minutes later that I could have gone to YouTube.com and heard it any time! This piece of music? The Agnus Dei by Samuel Barber, better known as his Adagio for Strings. Those of you not familiar with classical music would recognize it. It was used in the movie "Platoon" among others.
While the Adagio is often described as tragic music (it is), Barber did not mean it to be. It is the Agnus Dei, or Glory to God- a standard prayer in every Catholic Mass. Barber meant to glorify God with this piece, and it is probably one of the most exquisitely beautiful pieces of music ever written.
Never mind the religious denotations and connotations- if you have 11 to 13 minutes (depending on the arrangement)listen to it. It is so beautiful that it tears your heart out.