I usually fish for lake trout, but there was an article in the local paper about a small resevoir near our ranch where people are catching some good looking perch and crappie. It seems that not many people have discovered this fishing spot and so the person writing the article had the whole resevoir to himself. Although... after the article... I imagine a few readers will be heading out this way with visions of little fish frying in their pans.
JR suggested that he should take the boat out and catch a few while I sit on the bank and watch. Well... that suggestion didn't fly with me. I just imagine that I would have a complete nervous breakdown just sitting there watching and not being able to fish. Soooo... I guess we will settle on attending the community barbecue at our local cemetary instead of fishing this Memorial Day. I know... a barbecue at the cemetary just couldn't be nearly as exciting as a few hours on a lake hauling in fish.
Anyhow... here are some fish pictures that will have to do until I get out there and catch some of the real thing.

A nice sized perch.

A handsome crappie.
Happy Memorial Day - Annie :o)