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Life & Events > Time Does Fly

Time Does Fly

The last time I stopped by MyBloggers to post was July, 2011. It really doesn't seem like that long ago. Where has the time gone? I see that most of my friends are still here and you all are looking pretty much the same. What I mean is the avatars haven't changed much.

What made me decide to come back? I have to be truthful; I'm bored and needed to write someplace besides facebook. Also, I miss you all and I need some good conversation. I've found on facebook, one gets a lot of "likes", but not much conversation. It is my opinion that facebookers don't have that much to say, but they are really experts at pressing the "like" button. After awhile, they become shallow human beings. I miss talking, sharing, discussing, and yes, even debating. So here I am and let's get started.

I'll bring you up-to-date on what is happening in my life. Things that haven't changed are my faith in God and my conservative views on politics. I still dislike Obama as much as ever.

What has changed? Everything else!!!! This year has been the most traumatic of my life. In the spring, I was shocked to learn I have ovarian cancer. Since that time, I have been fighting for my life. I had 4 chemo treatments, then surgery, and then 4 more treatments. I have had good results, but still haven't reached remission. Overall, the chemo experience hasn't included the usual side effects that one usually associates with chemo. I have experienced terrible tiredness and weakness as my blood counts and platelet counts have been hit hard. Mostly, I'm just sleeping through these months of treatment. Currently, I am still scheduled for 2 more treatments, but I've learned that everything can change and often does change. This journey seems to revolve around blood test results and CT/Pet scan results which decide what happens next.

I feel blessed as I am receiving wonderful treatment at Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto, CA. They are top notch in innovative treatments and overall care. I have this Lebanese (spelling?) doctor who is absolutely brilliant. Although he looks very young, he has that high IQ whiz kid look. The funny thing about him is that every other sentence he asks, "Doesn't that make sense?" After my laparoscopic surgery, I found he had covered my small little incisions with heart shaped dressings. I think he reminds me of the son I never had. lol

So that is my updated life. Well.... not quite.... My husband who has been working in the oil fields of North Dakota for the last couple of years, had to have open heart surgery 2 weeks prior to my surgery. He had 4 bypasses and now is doing great. He has been off work since July and has spent his time taking care of me. He has been a dear and wonderful husband. I am definitely blessed.

Well.... that just about brings you up-to-date on my life. I'll try to make my next posts a lot less heavy.


posted on Dec 17, 2014 12:19 PM ()


Hey! Great minds think alike, I'm back, too! Good to see you.
comment by jerms on Jan 2, 2015 10:37 PM ()
Good that you keep every friend up to date.
comment by jondude on Dec 18, 2014 5:26 AM ()
reply by anniel on Dec 18, 2014 6:08 PM ()
It's so nice to hear from you, I've missed hearing about how things are going for you. Now we know, and I'm sending warmest wishes that things will go well for you. One time Janet L (remember her?) wrote something about how she would have long stretches away from MyBloggers, and I told her 'never feel shy about coming back, we'll still be here talking about the same stuff as when you last saw us.'
comment by troutbend on Dec 17, 2014 11:24 PM ()
It is good to see you troutbend. I'm happy to be back.
reply by anniel on Dec 18, 2014 10:44 AM ()
We are all getting older and some of us are getting sassier! I wish you
luck on your journey.
comment by elderjane on Dec 17, 2014 6:11 PM ()
Thank you elderjane.
reply by anniel on Dec 18, 2014 10:45 AM ()

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