Yep... It is me, Annie L, out here on the ranch in Southern Oregon. I don't know why my profile says I'm in Missouri. Don't have a clue as to how mybloggers got that misinformation. The truth of the matter is I've never even seen Missouri fer myself. I don't get much further than Oregon.
I've decided to check out this here mybloggers.com site because several of my friends have decided to blog here. It will be a new experience for this ole cowgirl, but I'm willing to try new places and get to know new folks.
If ya drop by, please take time to say "hello." I like people who are friendly and have time to sit and chat a bit. Coffee is always on the stove and you're always welcome to share a bowl of country stew with me. I think that venison is in the pot today or maybe I put in part of that ole buffalo bull. Ya gotta understand, my memory is jest not what it used to be.
Anyhow... welcome to the ranch. Annie :o)