Well, as I have stated, I am no photographer nor can I get pictures to look right on a page, but since this is Reni's debut, I will do my very best.
Her bedThe litter boxWhat she does so very well----sleepsNursing kittyHer close up shot
posted on June 4, 2008 10:09 AM ()
This is the most darling kitten... She is just exactly what you needed. You are exactly what she needed! What a joy for you both!! She is a sweetie, isn't she?
What a cute kitten --she's tiny!
Oh Lordy... how cute!!
what a cute baby!!!! I want one!!! You did a great job on the photos! So good in fact that I now want another kitten.
Welcome Serendipity! Oh, angie, she is soooooo tiny! But, ohhhh... so so cute! It's impossible to ever think that you couldn't love her. I think it's pretty darn impossible to think that she isn't going to love you, too! I hope she grows to be a fine, healthy cat...I know you are going to help her do that!
Awwwwwwwwwwww I want a kiss
what a tiny little sweetie. I am so glad she found a good mommy.
Oh that is just too cute
she is adorable!!! thanks for the pic!
I concer with everyone else.....awwwww how cute.
reguards yer tempted to run to the shelter and get one pal bugg
Too cute!
She is soooooooooo cute. I'm not showing the boy's for obvious reasons. Two cats are enough.
OMG!!! SOOOO TINY!!! I would worry about stepping on her. She sure is cute though!