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Wicked End Of The Stick

Entertainment > Humor > Not by the Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin ...

Not by the Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin ...

Women who shave their face never talk about it! Just a little observation I have made. Not that you should ever bring it up. I asked once, please forgive my fop ah. I was young at the time. I thought the gal wouldn't mind and we were very very close friends. I said "So and so do you shave?" There was no one else around so I did not ask to embarrass her. She said "NO!" I said "cool" and it was never brought up again.

I have never mentioned the subject to any other woman who may or may not shave their face. Facial hair is a sensitive subject for women. It is just one more nail in the coffin of our beauty. We finally drop a pant size, find the perfect bra, dye out our grey, whiten our teeth and wouldn't you know sprout four new chin hairs.

At work the other day I had the most interesting conversation with a woman with this very problem. We were talking about hormones, comedy, anger and pregnancy. She said "About three years ago I began to have problems with my hormones, my periods stopped and I began TO GROW A BEARD." Before I could even respond she said "YOU KNOW THATS REALLY SEXY!" Then we both busted out in laughter! I told her well you know it is kind of exotic." and she said "Oh yes Circus exotic!" We both laugh hysterically.

It was nice to have an open conversation with someone who so easily could laugh at herself. I loved it. I laugh at myself all of the time. I have many sags, bags and veins that I myself have been repulsed by, but I also try to work off them. Why not have a laugh!!! I do magic tricks with some of my sags and stuff at birthdays,bar mitzvahs and weddings.

posted on Mar 20, 2008 11:28 AM ()


I don't have to shave but I pluck like mad and am obsessed about it. They grow in number year after year. AHHHHH! I'm an open book, I'll talk chin hairs with you any day Witchy!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 22, 2008 11:41 PM ()
You can have it waxed when you have your eyebrows done.
comment by elderjane on Mar 22, 2008 4:26 AM ()
I know a lady, besides myself, who shaves. In broad daylight it is so obvious you can't help but stare. It taught me not to shave on days I'll be going outside. I do wish everyone would keep an eye out for their nasal hair and before it becomes visible to the general public, trim it! That's so gross.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 20, 2008 1:50 PM ()
Oh that is so funny! Lately I've noticed that I do have a very fine fuzz on my face, but not a beard! It's almost invisible, and only noticeable right up close, but I was wondering if I should get that hair removal cream for the face.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Mar 20, 2008 1:08 PM ()
Have you ever heard of tweezies??? I bought one. It looks like an electric razor, but it doesn't shave; it pulls the hair out! Ouch! It works really well. Without my tweezies, I could be mistaken for Mama Gorilla!
comment by angiedw on Mar 20, 2008 11:50 AM ()
Forget "Puppetry of the Penis" you could start your own sag show.
comment by mellowdee on Mar 20, 2008 11:42 AM ()
That is what electrolysis is for. Although I hear it hurts.
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 20, 2008 11:41 AM ()
It sure is. My mother in law was very Italian and had a lot of facial hair. She used to wax it!
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 20, 2008 11:40 AM ()

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