Once in awhile I'll get an email from her, some joke thing she sent to a bunch of other 'friends' and one time it was some animated cartoon and the message was: "For Little Anthony with Love from Grandma." Her daughter and I have the same first name, so I'm sure she didn't mean to send it to me, and I always wonder how many other emails from her are mistakes.
Mutual friends and I have been wondering if this lady has Alzheimer's because she has been acting a little out of it all year. Friends come and go, so I'm not devastated, but I don't think any of us likes the idea of losing touch with a friend.
But tonight after dark the doorbell rang, and it was flowers from this woman, who lives in Colorado. The card refers to me cooking a ham for Christmas, no idea where that came from - we're having turkey, and I haven't shared any Christmas plans with this woman.

Good thing our names are on the card, because cynical me, otherwise I'd suspect the flowers were really meant for Little Anthony (he's 9) with Love from Grandma.